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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. WHALES where hipsters 40,000,000 years before you. xx
  2. This is hilarious. More comics That is fucking shit, you cunt. xx
  3. Colin Hodgkinson is the fucking MAN in this arena. The Bottom Line is an amazing record. Also check out A Show of Hands by Victor Wooten. You're welcome. xx
  4. Trying to stifle an erection walking away after a lapdance. xx
  5. I'm having an asda granola/yogurt/fruit pot for breakfast. xx
  6. Her farmhouse pies are the fucking shit too. Used to live on them when I was veggie, still love them now that I'm back to eating dead shit. xx
  7. The first ever gig you ever attended. I honestly can't remember. It may have been Travis at the AECC... The best ever gig you ever attended. Saw Alkaline Trio at Leeds festival on a Sunday then stopped in Glasgow on the way home to see them at the Garage. Both gigs were amazing, between the two they played every one of my favourite songs with very little overlap between the two nights. Amazing. I'm probably overlooking something here, I always forget about gigs I've been to but that always sticks in my mind. The worst ever gig you ever attended. Green Day at T In The Park the year after American Idiot. Shit set, crap sound, the crowd were gash, the atmosphere was rank. Just a shit storm. The first ever gig you ever played. W.C. Fields in Peterhead. Playing in a cover band called Day 4. Was 14 years old and got paid via a free bar and about 50 for the band. Win! The best ever gig you ever played. Opening for Stiff Little Fingers in 'Shulu was fucking awesome but the ultimate will probably always be the charity show I played for Hero Next Door because I ended up marrying the woman who booked us. The worst ever gig you ever played. We did a "two gigs in one night" job playing Cellar 35 around 7 then Tunnels at 9. Cellar gig was the worst gig I think anyone ever played. The sound was crap, we couldn't make out what the other was doing, vocals were shit.... Just awful. (Funnily, the Tunnels gig later was one of the tightest we ever played..) On a par with that was a drunken house party the highlights of which include me taking a swing at my former Modern Studies teacher and testing how far the range on my wireless kit was by turning the bass amp up full whack and leaving the house, standing in the garden thrashing away playing random shit shouting about how I CAN STILL HEAR IT HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!? Wanker. xx
  8. Unless you're Justin Townes Earle. Maybe unless you have a guitar? xx
  9. You never look cool when you stop running - unless there is a clearly marked finishing like and a gaggle of people behind you. xx
  10. They formed in '05, broke through circa '07. Wiki. xx
  11. It's the hardcore scene mainly. I blame the Gallows. I have no idea if the Gallows sport this look or not but Frank Carter is a dick hole so I'm blaming the dick hole trend on him. xx
  12. Nowt wrong with a flanel shirt per se. Long as the top button is undone, you're fine by me. If the top button is both visible and closed, you're a child molestor. No exceptions. xx
  13. THIS X 100000000 Add a few more zeros if you're wearing a checked/flannel shirt buttoned all the way up (with maybe one of the bottom buttons undone cuz ur fukin HXC4LYF!) Infact, anyone wearing a shirt with the top button done and no tie on looks like a bag of dicks. xx
  14. I only use concert for a relatively big gig. If I'm playing to 4 punters and a barmaid in tunnel 2 on a school night I don't ever want to hear it referred to as a 'concert'. I admit I use show from time to time, I use a couple of americanisms but only instead of ones where the 'british' equivalent sounds naff to me. I don't like the words film or gig, so I say movie and show more often than not. (I hate how film ends up sounding with my broad peterheeeed accent - fillum). 'Bucks' is fucking shit though. Guesstimate irks the living shout out of me, even if it's not an americanism. An estimate relies on facts and data - a guess is an off-the-cuff, wet-finger-in-the-air punt. You can't take an off the cuff punt based on data. Pick a fucking word and use it properly instead of using a portmanteau because it's a longer word thinking it makes you sound more articulate. It doesn't. It makes you sound like a funt! xx EDIT; actually, I rarely say show. I only say show when I'm around other people who say show. If an event which I am attending has, earlier in the conversation, been dubbed 'show' I run with it. Otherwise, if there is music it's a gig, if it's comedy or anything else it's probably a show.
  15. Is 8,000 'likes' a lot? I thought people got like 5,000,000 for naming their kid Megatron or eating a dog turn or something? xx
  16. No illegal drugs found in Winehouse's system "according to her family" so it may or may not be a fabrication.... Maybe she had massive amounts of over-the-counter stuff in her.. idk. Unexpected, though. xx
  17. I'd push with a more "talk to the management about exactly what you're after/expecting before you do, but they are worth talking to" is the vibe I'd like to give out. Not sure about how it qualifies for being 'small' but tunnel 2 is maybe an option...? xx
  18. Not sure if this should go under Networking or not. Oh well. Where are the best places to get merch from? I use Awesome Merchandise wherever possible because they are awesome. Phantom Screen Print are ace for tshirts, had a few runs done by them. And I think it was Badge and t-shirt printers - Glasgow Badges we used for getting badges made up, it was something like 10 for 150. Cheap as chips. Anyone know any good sources for shorter runs of CDs or vinyl? Stickers? Printed bass drum skins? Banners/backdrops? xx
  19. Another boost for Bandcamp - it's not blocked by my work server unlike Soundcloud which is blocked due to streaming content. Also, regarding vinyl releases - where's the best place to get a price for a run of them? Be good to know for future. xx
  20. My intention is to use soundcloud as a dumping ground for mp3s of demos to put out for feedback and such and use Bandcamp for properly recorded, finished products that people may want to download etc. Can you flog other merch from there too like tshirts and the like? If so it makes having a bigcartel page unnecessary in the long run too which will work in it's favour. xx
  21. True enough but when I was chatting to one of the staff (might have been a promoter though..) about it they said something to the effect that the venue were trying to branch out a bit.. xx
  22. Last time I was in Cellar they had some kinda wierd techno night on - new management trying new things to pull more punters. I've never been back. It's a shame because I fucking love the place but IMO they need to sort their shit out when it comes to gigs. Lose the piece of shit house drum kit and either upgrade it or tell promoters to supply one because anyone playing that sounds like cock. It could be an amazing little venue, I caught the Hijacks there and it was an ace night. It just feels like they are trying to do the quiet, quanit little pub while still being a venue. That'd work if they only did acoustic gigs but as it is they are far too erratic in their bookings IMO. They should carve out a niche and stay there. xx
  23. Oh. Then a former other half, or something. I don't know. xx
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