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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Does cracking one out while I post count? xx
  2. Apparantley her other half knows my other half. /coolstorybro Spotted: Slutbags getting undressed, in my imagination. xx
  3. Bit old for my taste, but if there are a few of them then I could pretend I'm among an abnormally tall pre-school group I suppose. What's her number? xx
  4. I tend to use it for "has lovely tits but is/seems a bit slow". Are you fat or/and do you have lovely tits? Am I the only one who fancies Slutbags.? xx
  5. I've also just hit a fucker of a snag in two songs at once. I sat down with pen and paper and hammered out an amazing verse and 3/4 of a chorus which I just couldn't find a good ending line for, I then shifted my attention to another song and wrote two verses which I love, but can't fit a chorus to. I've stopped and stepped back from both and now I can't pick either one up where I left off. Fuck. xx
  6. I hear dat. Number of times I've had a really simple verse/chorus type song and thought "Hmm.. it's hooky but needs a little more to keep it interesting..." then I end up shoehorning in a stupid bridge section which ruins the flow, I then decide the song is shit and scrap it. xx
  7. Was.... Was that actually a nice post from you? Who are you and what have you done with the Slutbags I know and fantasize about? xx
  8. That does sound like hard work. You must've been all sweaty and sticky afterwards too. That's the best way to get ahead though, the competition come and go. xx
  9. In that case, I'm after everything... xx
  10. I was thinking that, the fact that each series made it to 4 or even 5 movies is testament to their sterling contribution to modern culture. xx
  11. Yeah I'm hoping to have a saunter round around then, not sure if I'll make it though. xx
  12. If there are people from here going I imagine it'd be feasible to arrange them phoning you during your selected lots (provided they don't want it for theirself) and bid on your behalf...? xx
  13. Jesus, big boxes of pups.. Wonder how much they'll shift for..? I'm after some bass pickups, be fucking gutted if they end up flogging off ones I'm after! In reality though, I'm so fucking glad that it's not the day after payday when I don't have work. I'd bankrupt myself. Between the line 6 pods, the guitar cables, pickups and the unfinished guitar bodies... Disgusting to see a shop with such amazing stock go down the pan. xx
  14. Excellent - Laldy i can do. Feedback much appreciated guys, feel free to keep it coming. I'll retake the vocals when I can and shout here when the new tracks are up. xx
  15. Ahhh, so A-Pop would be an appropriate generic abbreviation covering both J and K? xx
  16. Never was in Scotland but the laws are different everywhere. I do a lot of charity work about so I know EVERYFUCKINGTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT IT! xx
  17. I prefer Q-Pop. What's K-Pop? xx
  18. Ahhh ok, same-track-slightly-different-vocal-with-somewhat-more-modern-production-while-trying-to-make-production-sound-old-school-negating-a-potential-big-improvement type affair? Pity. xx
  19. Really?? I've been reading awesome things about it. Cokie the Clown and Coaster were both amazing, shit to hear they're off form now with it. I fucking love NOFX. Pump Up The Valium is a great record. So is So Long and Thanks For All The Shoes. Also, Alkaline Trio are the greatest band in the universe. If you disagree you're a peadophile. Good Mourning is in a similar vein to HWM, they also did a split 7" with them which is fucking AWESOME! HWM covering Radio is epic! But yeah, the Trio back catalogue varies a lot from really poppy to really dark so give them a listen if you've not heard much more than the singles. The new record, Damnesia, is fucking amazing too. All acoustic covers of old songs with a couple of new folk-pop type songs thrown in. Bliss. xx
  20. Picked up a maple P-Bass neck for 40 on BassChat. Win-zilla. xx
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