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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Much spreading to be done. The other day driving home from work I saw a little old lady on a zimmer frame do this. Driver didn't even wait for her. Poor old woman had to stop 'running' to wave at him whilst shouting "STOOOOPPPPP!" and the cunt just buggered off. Worst part of it was, he was stopped at traffic lights about 50 feet away so she tried to catch him again... She didn't stand a chance. Poor old lady. I'd have offered her a lift if I wasn't absolutely positive she'd have thought I was a sex criminal and called the cops. xx
  2. Yeah I'm not particularly happy with the vocals but as I recorded them in my flat I couldn't really let rip and shout as much as I'd have wanted to. Glad the feedback otherwise is seeming pretty positive though =]. xx
  3. Twould be a bass I'd be after, with a Maple fretboard. I don't want a wolf fret marker but would only want the vines if it was in a dark colour against the maple. Those are the only customisations I'd be after.. I think. Will have a proper browse later on - the catalogs don't open on my phone. xx
  4. Thanks! Think I've fixed most of the blips in there now, give them another listen - I DARE YA! xx
  5. Id be interested in this. Would need to know solid figures etc before signing anything but im very interested. Xx
  6. No. No, FUCK YOU! (Grand, I look forward to meeting and entertaining you.) More importantly, what do you think of the tracks? xx
  7. 1x Female Rabbit, 2 y/o, good with kids, lovely temprament. Ad on behalf of a friend who has to give her up due to having a 3rd kid on the way and having no time to devote to her. Comes with a mid-size dog cage, litter tray, water bottle, some food, a harness and lead and toys. Only thing she doesn't come with is a carrier so you'll need to bring your own. xx
  8. Nothing worse than getting an amazing piece of inspiration and not being able to make it into a full song. I've got pages of scribbled notes and ideas that could be developed but nothing ever came of. xx
  9. Mine is probably keeping the ball rolling at the end of the process, the 80-20 rule. When inspiration strikes I'll churn out a tonne of lyrics and riff ideas but then at the end of it I have a massive pile of bits and am basically left with Quality Control to make sure that it all goes together, that's when I tend to drift away and leave it almost finished for a while. That or just plain old blank page syndrome - wanting to write but either not having that inspiration or knowing exactly what you want to write about but being completely incapable of putting any coherent thoughts on paper. So yeah, getting started and getting finished, the bit in the middle is easy! xx
  10. Afraid we have had to pull out of that one due to work commitments, currently trying to book an alternative date. NOTE - anyone looking for a band to play, gimmie a shout! Thank you! =] Standard 3 piece lineup with me on lead vox and Craig and Woods doing backing. Yeah I've been listening back on different speakers and will bring the guitar down a touch and bring the vocals and the solos out some more. I've never mixed/mastered any recordings before so I'm just kinda flying by the seat of my pants with it, if anyone with a better ear for it than me wants to make suggestions they'll be gratefully received. The vox will all be redone eventually too to iron out the bum-notes. xx
  11. Does Reservoir Dogs count? Confession: I watched that start to end for the first time like a month ago. I've been wasting my life. xx
  12. Well, last thread appears to have fallen off the radar; check out Remembering Needleman HERE. Updated demos up there for your perusal and inevitable criticism. Play nice. xx
  13. I live in Ferryhill and work in Dyce. Would you want to meet in town or shall I come out to you to collect? xx
  14. Maybe they 'turn around' 360 degrees, so the conversation is simply littered with pirouettes... Also, please fix your signature. Seeing "on't click on this" is becoming a Pet Hate of mine. xx
  15. I absolutely love this show but have missed a fuck-tonne of it. Last I saw was when Jim had moved to a new office away from Scranton. I believe I remember seeing the people from Jim's new office move back to Scranton but I think I missed a few episodes in between. SO MUCH CATCHING UP TO DO! xx
  16. ...And he was like, and she was like, then he was like.. LEARN SOME FUCKING WORDS BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TALKING YOU DITHERING JIZZ-SOCK! xx
  17. There are only a handful of songs more than 4 minutes long I'll give the time of day to. Social Distortion are a fucking nightmare for 6 minute songs that are just simple verse-chorus-repeat layouts with the odd solo. I love them but they drag their heels something awful - new record isn't quite as guilty of it though. Obviously just my personal taste. I haven't heard a great deal of Dweller material but from the new stuff I've heard I'd say you're spot on there though. I need to check out more of their material, actually. xx
  18. Rule 1 (only applicable to 'guitar music') If it sounds shit on an acoustic guitar, it's a shit song. Rule 2 If you can't provide an abridged description of what the song is about in one sentance, it's a shit song. Rule 3 If you use couplets like love/above, strong/wrong or forget/regret.... it's probably a shit song. Rule 4 If the song is longer than 4 minutes, it needs to be REALLY fucking interesting to hold my attention. xx
  19. Try Superdrug or Boots. /FUCKINGHILARIOUS! xx
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