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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I'll try convincing the wife first - if I try it out and fall in love and she vetos it I'll cry. xx
  2. Ugh... I want this so hard but the accountant (wife) would kill me. If it's still here come payday I'll try to convince her... xx
  3. There's a speccy cunt who's named Bill, His voice is all nasal and shrill, His gay, greasy hair, And shitty software, Was enough to make me feel ill. But then old Bill hatched a plan, My PCs are shit, lets expand! He built a console, That filled the big hole, In my heart, the 360, my man. Next up; the death of Amy Winehouse. xx
  4. Of course the polis stood up for the soldiers, they both abuse their power to oppress minorities for a living. Solidarity and all that. xx
  5. I haven't been following this thread due to having a fairly passive interest in hip-hop is apologies if it's been mentioned already but is fucking awesome and I can't get enough of it.Also loving Transplants atm but not sure if that can really be classed as hip-hop. No doubt someone will fill me in. xx
  6. "In response, Berjuan has put up an item on its website called 'God supports the Breast Milk Baby', citing the oft-seen image of the Virgin Mary suckling an infant Jesus Christ. So there." What an amazing response to criticism. xx
  7. The BBC news article was saying that they aren't allowing anyone associated with WBC into the UK, but it also pointed out that if they arent one of the Phelps brigade then there's no real way to know who to stop and who to let in.. Probably a few will slip past but I imagine it'll be a smattering who will be - as Lucky (I think) said - stopped/moved on/arrested by cops before it comes to anything. I rather like the idea of going with a sign saying I HATE FAGS with a no-smoking logo below it... Stupid signs FTW. xx
  8. It makes me giggle that swift cover won't insure musicians or anyone who works in the 'entertainment business' at all. xx
  9. I do and I don't agree.... As much as it's a total non-event as much as there's no way these fucking fruit loops are going to have any impact on the outcome of the legislation (in fact, odds are they'll improve it's chances of passing since less people will want to refuse for fear of being lumped in with these idiots) but I can imagine how shitty it would be to be a gay person seeing a WBC protest in your hometown and have no one seem to give a fuck... As much as the cure to this disease seems to be 'ignore it and it'll go away', at the same time it's pretty fucking uncool that they are allowed to picket funerals... Surely you can't expect that to be written off in the same way? xx
  10. ..... I don't suppose it's unlikely that I did... Have seen it elsewhere ages ago, tis one that stuck in my head. Oh well. Thank you for bringing to light my shortcomings as a forum user, bastard. xx EDIT: In my defence, the picture ITT is blocked at work anyway.... EDIT EDIT: I'm not sure how that's supposed to be defence.....
  11. Best sign I saw was a guy standing next to someone holding one of the GOD HATES FAGS signs, with a massive arrow pointing at him saying "FUCK THIS GUY!" /coolstory. xx
  12. Do you call people whilst you're pooping? If so, I may sense the beginnings of a pattern here... xx
  13. You're all missing the most important benefit of a phone conversation though: You can exchange information with ugly/smelly people without having to look at/smell/make fun of them. Although granted a text is more convenient. It's also a great way to break up with bitches, you can bail immediately when they start to cry. I can't stand crying bitches. Eyes be all puffy and red and shit. Fuck dat, yo. xx
  14. Hurl tatties with razorblades stuck in them, like the good ol' BNP days. xx
  15. That's not true. I just had a read and a lot of what they say makes sense. I mean, if my teachers say that Moses said that God said (up a mountain, where noone was around to corroborate) that fags should all be killed with fire, who are we to disagree? I think I'll go protest the fags and dykes, too. I mean, what could someone with a different sexual preference from me possibly know about God? First the Blacks, now this. What next?? MUSLIM PRIESTS?!!? xx
  16. I always read their name as You Meat Six and it annoys me. xx
  17. I've never been to Draconian but have seen only good work from them. Richards I liked, he worked fast, he worked very well and he didn't make awkward small talk. Retros (now Rebel Ink) I've always liked, friendly people and again good work IMO. Rock 'n' Roll have lost my vote with this thread. There's also Rapport on King St but I've heard some bad press about their work - particularly on the Draconian Bebo page (lol) there was a photo album full of awful work from Rapport that needed covered - but that was a long time ago now.. There's also Green 64 who I quite like but Nick is quite a meticulous (fucking slow) tattooist. The other guy there (Lee, I think) is apparantley much more efficient though I haven't used him myself. Largely it depends on what kind of work you want done - different artists have different strengths: rule of thumb - Old School/Traditional style stuff go to Draconian or Green 64 (I know Nick LOVES that kind of thing). Bright Colours, quirky designs - Rebel Ink (or Red, Hot and Blue in Edinburgh if you fancy a trip, they are awesome). Black/Grey work - Richard is the man. /2p. xx
  18. Your best bet is to think about how long it would take to draw and shade the piece. Lots of detail (or even lots of solid colours) will take longer to do (well). A total stab-in-the-dark guess would be that you're looking at anywhere from 3-6 hours depending on... well everything. A decent tattooist is around 50-60 an hour (that's what I was at Red Hot & Blue), but I've paid up to 100 an hour (Eva Mpatshi, fucking amazing Belgian artist at the Scottist Tattoo Convention last year, look her up!) and it was worth every penny. At a minimum I'd be willing to part with 200, if it's less, you win, if it's more then that's just the nature of the game. xx EDIT: The 3-6 hour guess was for a half sleeve - is that what you meant or do you just mean a bicep-sized kind of picture? If so, then it might be closer to the 2 hour mark.
  19. At 3 a pint with your 5% discount it'd take around 1,000 pints to make your hundred quid back. Good scheme and a good company to invest in - they have nowhere to go but up - but the discount is probably the least financially sound part of the investment. That said, I'm led to believe you get more of a discount online? xx
  20. I love playing in a cover band because I get to play songs in genres I normally never would. I'd never write a 'classic rock' type tune a la Thin Lizzy or AC/DC, it's not my style of writing. I'd hate to be in an originals band where I didn't feel like I was contributing to the creative process so being in a covers band as well as my originals one works fine for me. Plus, . xx
  21. AAhhhhhh ok! Yeah they suck fat boabbies. They never ever get a laugh, just a half-hearted "heh... so this is happening then........................................... heh.. it's uh.. still happening...?" xx
  22. You look incredibly sexy in your new avatar. Just sayin'. xx
  23. I like the Family Guys musical numbers. They are always top notch musically and fun to listen to. It shows McFarlane's musical background off really well, he's an good singer and a great musician. So FUCK YOU! They aren't the least bit funny though. xx
  24. I used a pair of the carbon sticks and swear by them - really light and solid as fuck. There's a flimsy plastic type coating around them which you'll probably chew through but other than that they won't bend, they'll fracture before they bend and you'll burst a skin before you fracture them. xx
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