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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. See I've never had a particularly bad experience in Cafe 52. The service has been ropey once or twice and the food took a bit longer than I'd like... Then again that was only ever at lunch times I'd go in.... xx
  2. Also, cats are fucking awesome. I'd watch all you cunts burn to save my cats from even the mildest of discomforts. xx
  3. Well, there are these people from the future who travel back in time. Although in the future these people are all the same, they are all a perfect amalgamation of all the creeds and religions and speak an amalgamation of every known language, they still represent 'foreigners' to the people of south park in the present day. The people of south park are, in turn, fucking annoyed when their jobs are given to these future people, known colloquially as 'Goobacks'. My avatar is pissed of his jerb gurt toorked. xx
  4. Not my usual cup of tea, but very listenable, well produced, catchy wee hook in there. Like it. xx
  5. This. I'd bet there were loads of bands champing at the bit to play this festival on it's second year. Crying fucking shame. xx
  6. Not Bigears any more. Forgot I changed it. DEY TUK ERR JURBS! xx
  7. That's pretty awesome, congratulations again, dude. xx
  8. Ace, congratulations. Where you working now? /stalker xx
  9. Oh sweet! I could go and see Autumn in Disguise while I'm there! xx
  10. Yeah the cafe upstairs do Tapas at weekends. Thursday's too if memory serves. xx
  11. Possibly the bass. xx
  12. I like this. Sounds tight but not over-produced. I generally hate that growly vocal style but it sounds ace here, carried off really well. xx
  13. I find the best way to cover that one is try to make on that you knew you were sending it to him and that it was meant to be a joke. Then you're be the guy with the shit sense of humour who thinks he's funny, rather than the guy who is a complete bitch. xx
  14. Prices? Pictures? xx
  15. Fuck La Tasca, Beautiful Mountain do much better tapas xx
  16. I think that not kicking back in and throwing in a key change is the best thing about the track. It would've just dragged itself over the finish line for the sake of self-indulgence. Excellent call on ending it on the refrain/chorus. xx
  17. Hmmmmm... I expected this to not be to my taste at all, but I'm really enjoying it! I haven't delved very deep into hip-hop as a genre at all, but I love the funky/jazz feeling of it. Great production too, a really solid effort. Infact, the more I listen to this the more I fucking love it. xx
  18. I fucking LOVE this tune. Ace harmonies, lovely melody, really well put together. I was worried that at 4 minutes long it might start to outstay it's welcome but not at all - absolutely brilliant work. xx
  19. Liked the track. Not a massive fan of the vocal delivery, but that's just my taste so my opinion here is worth exactly as much as you want it to be. Other than that though, the guitars sounds amazing (but maybe a touch overpowering), the drums sound absolutely perfect and the track is really well written and well paced. Really, really good work. xx EDIT: I take back what I said about the guitars being overpowering, listening with headphones now - it was shit laptop speakers that made the rest of the mix sound too weak. The mix is perfect. xx
  20. Nah, get fucking stuck in. Just make sure it's properly defrosted before you cook - and properly cooked before you eat. It won't be the worlds best quality mind, but it's not too bad. That 'maximum one month' guideline is only there because some stupid cunt will have eaten some meat that was older than he was and snuffed it, so they threw an arbitrary guideline on there as a premature "I told you so". xx
  21. Stroopy121

    Your current read?

    Working my way through "Reader" by Fran Lebowitz. It's basically a selection of short articles and various rants. Hilarious so far. Think Woody Allen with PMS and you're pretty close. xx
  22. How did johnnydee get a score of 265 on Free Cell Solitaire when the max score for completing it is 260? IT'S JUST NOT FUCKING FAIR! :'( xx
  23. So what's the deal with this place, is it a Tapas type affair where you order a little dish of loads of different things? A set menu...? xx
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