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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I thought this thread was related to pubic grooming. I am disappointed. xx
  2. A Very Long Engagement French movie by Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Amelie, City of Lost Children, Delicatessen, Alien: Resurrection) about a young woman (Audrey Tautou) searching for her fianc who went missing, presumed dead, during World War One. Stunning movie. Emotive, heartfelt, some amazing performances and gloriously dark as I've come to expect from Jeunet. One or two minor pacing problems but overall, a triumph. 9/10
  3. I really like the video - the only think that jars with me is Mike's lip syncing is a little off. But that's just the pedant in me. Overall the video looks ace though. Did you guys just film it yourself or was it done with a 3rd party? The song is pretty good, too. Not my usual cup of tea, but I really enjoyed it. xx
  4. Working with a hangover. Inconsiderate bastard of a colleague decided to have his leaving drinks on a school night. Quiet drinks with colleagues ended rather messily. xx
  5. Bit harsh, I'm fairly interested in evolution but wasn't sure the exact definition of what constitutes a different species. For all I knew, Asians and Jews could be different species. xx
  6. Yeah I figured that to be the case, I'm sure I remember somewhere that underpowering a cab can wreck it and I had previously thought my head to be too wee to power an 8x10. Just wanted to make sure t'was all good, cheers! xx
  7. Vegan beer is a weird one, I had a long hard look into this one a while back. Since some beers don't have any animal ingredients but use animal by-products during brewing etc then it can be a bit of a grey area... Best bet is to get a hold of the Vegan Society handbook (I might still have a copy you can have if you want, but it might be out of date by now, these things always change). You'll pretty much have to check each beer as you go to see if they are or aren't Vegan. As a rule of thumb though, the Belgian ones are usually fine, American usually not.. xx
  8. This may merit a separate thread to discuss amp impedance and all that shit, but for now this'll do. My bass head is 300w and the minimum impedance is rated at 4ohms. Does that mean it's fine to run this Orange 8x10, since it has an impedance of 8 ohms? The output is 1200w, the speakers each appear to be 300w - do these numbers mean anything in relation to the 300w my head produces? Or is that simply a measure of how much noise will come out the cab? xx
  9. Then I shall forgive you. xx
  10. That one's already been Dunn. xx
  11. Ahh, that was a glorious post actually. I'm gonna post that one on facebook tonight and take credit for it. xx
  12. Who is Lewis? xx EDIT: Also, there's nothing wrong with using simple Punns
  13. Someone killed the thread. Question is: Who Dunnit? xx
  14. Hadn't heard any Copy Haho stuff until now. Absolutely loving this though. Great work! xx
  15. Wow... Just wow. Only a matter of time 'till she moves into porn now. xx
  16. Rabbis Condemn Dog to Death by Stoning. xx
  17. I can't fucking wait for Damnesia to come out! xx
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