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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I love Priory, I was out one night and just started wailing of some guy, punched him in the head like 9 or 10 times as he walked in, then he ran away crying. If the moorings is open 'till 3, who the fuck needs night clubs? xx
  2. I am so fucking happy that is now his legacy on here. xx
  3. So if there was a lass with downs syndrome or a similar condition which would manifest itself physically, he couldn't make fun of her the same way as he did the pig-nosed lass? xx
  4. I'm pretty sure that not only Rebecca Black's 'career' but also the formation of the PR company that gave her a record deal and wrote the songs and all are all just one big, elaborate troll. xx
  5. All 4 of the movies are fucking awesome. I love them. Absolutely love them. Infact, I'm going to binge watching them all tomorrow. Had I seen that first review of Big Score I would have hurled some severe abuse, you horrendous chode. As it is, I shall forgive you since you saw the light. xx
  6. Alex Turner is a weird one for me. I heard Good on the Dancefloor when it came out and thought it was balls and immediately wrote them off as being another indie/pop rock band that I'm just not interested in. It wasn't until I saw Submarine and fell in love with the soundtrack (thinking the voice singing sounded familiar...) that my mate told me who I was hearing and that his lyrics are actually really, really good. Keep meaning to trawl through the Arctic Monkeys stuff to give them a second chance. /coolstory. I'd say lyrics are one of the most important parts of a song for me, melody is equally as important, but as long as it's not a bad melody then it's fine. I'd take amazing lyrics with mediocre melody over amazing melody with mediocre lyrics any day. I don't mind a singer having a poor voice if what they are singing is meaningful. xx
  7. It is and it is awesome. Nothing better than trying to get through a game of Mortal Kombat hammered. xx
  8. Yeah, you're right. No man past his pre teens should want to play computer games any more. Especially not in a bar. xx
  9. Friend of mine posted this on facebook yesterday and I liked the idea, especially after having a thread for shit lyrics. Anyone got any favourite lyrics or bands whom have consistently awesome lyrics? I'll start: "So when victory comes at too heavy a price, well there's honour in choosing defeat Like the boy who was given the keys to the world and decided to sleep on the street" David Ford - To Hell With The World "There's something gray that's leaving town And it's way beyond me How it gets off the ground Where it goes hell knows Maybe somewhere better than here And what they say of the grass on the other sides true Too much time looking ups turning everything blue Including me, including the pilots, including you " Alkaline Trio - Trucks and Trains Infact, anything by Alkaline Trio or NOFX. Your turn. xx
  10. The first post. Then every subsequent one. xx
  11. Surfin' USSA? Wipe Out? Wouldn't it be Nazi? xx
  12. Not every thread. The U2 one is still going strong. Despite my best fucking efforts! xx
  13. I'm balding myself - it's not that big a deal. Man up. xx
  14. Bruce Willis doesn't wear a beanie, does not have baldness issues and is, ergo, not a cunt. Get your fucking story straight. I'm adding to my list of U2 gripes that any man who adds a 'The' to their stage name deserves to be raped by hyenas. xx
  15. Baldness Issues = Cunt Science, bitches. xx
  16. I'll be as irrational as I fucking well please. Fuck you all. xx
  17. I do, and we do play a U2 song. I joined the band recently when they had a full repertoire and unfortunately U2 is in there. There is also an Oasis tune in there. I joined the band for a bit of fun and some spare cash. Cover bands play songs to please their target audience, so personal dislikes for bands get pushed aside in favour of popularity. When it comes to artistic merit and personal taste, I have Remembering Needleman, playing original material for a pittance out of the sheer love of it. Regarding your second point, it may be that I have misinterpreted the nature of the superlatives I've heard heaped unto Edge but I still think mediocrity should remain bereft of adulation. Plus, no man in his fucking fifties should wear a beanie, the cunt. xx
  18. Awh, that's disappointing. xx
  19. Are You A Dutch? You Might Be The Devil!!! | ChristWire "Let me preface this article by saying, I do not hate all the Dutches, just the evil drug abusing, homogay loving, prostitution usering, pornographfying Dutch people. It sickens me to have learned that the once wholesome Dutch people, with their windmills and wooden shoes, have decided on a horse-drawn carriage to Satans Playland. If you dont believe me, I am about to destroy your little bubble of Dutch Love, so listen up!" Can't be legit. Damn. xx
  20. I don't think I was clear enough in my criticism - I LOVE simple guitar parts. Simpler the better. I'm not one for over-the-top mathy stuff. That said, I get irked by the hero worship aimed towards Edge, because he isn't a particularly interesting or impressive guitarist (IMO). I find the majority of U2 songs ignorable and bland, but that's just my taste. They don't inspire my scorn (other than Bono's public cuntishness but that's neither here nor there). What does, however, inspire my scorn is the unabashed love people seem to have for such a bland band. The same goes for Oasis and a myriad of other bands like that. It most likely comes down to the bands people grew up with and relate to rather than musical content per se. I just get fucking irritated when I see another 'top 100 guitarists OF ALL TIME LOL FTW YOU CAN IGNORE ALL PREVIOUS POLLS BECAUSE THIS ONE IS TEH AWESOME!!" and it has Noel Gallagher, Edge and John Squire in the top 10. xx
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