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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. What about a saga? Sagas need to be epic. xx
  2. I hardly dare say it... but I think it might be legit...?? xx
  3. Horses for courses. I can see your point but I entirely disagree. xx
  4. The style he 'invented' is fucking gash though. It's two notes played with a loop pedal, chorus and delay. xx
  5. I hate U2 mostly for Edge being such a horrendously over-rated guitarist. And I hear he's also the drummer for Weather Barn?? xx
  6. Wait.. My sarcasm detector is broken.. Is this an ACTUAL christian website, or a fairly elaborate piss-take? xx
  7. But he's helping Geldoff make it snow in Africa for Christmas..? How could you possibly dislike someone who's trying to bring sub-zero temperatures to an impoverished people with little/no clothing or shelter?? xx
  8. This. Must spread. Best of luck to the staff, had no idea the place would close it's doors so soon! xx
  9. In that case, do you want to come to my place and look after my small children? xx
  10. I believe Ewan because I can't see why he would lie. Definitely cigarettes. xx
  11. Which comment is the more pointless, the pointless comment or the pointless comment pointing out the pointless comment's pointlessness? xx
  12. I spent a few weeks in India on my honeymoon doing volunteer work and while the good food is absolutely amazing - some of the best I've ever eaten - the 'everyday' food we ate with local families and stuff was just lentils and a couple of spices.. give me a pie and chips over that any day! Bland food is bland - doesn't fucking matter which country it comes from. xx
  13. Pet Hate: British people who say that 'all British food is bland' because they spent their fucking gap year in Spain/India/Wherever so will now only ever eat tapas/curry/whatever. Pretentious wankbaggery of the highest order. xx
  14. Metallica were pretty shite when I saw them. Brand New were pretty awful a year or two ago when I caught them too. Bad Religion were absolutely brilliant, though. xx
  15. Bruce Mil.. Never mind, the Internet is cheaper. xx
  16. I haven't. Stroopy121 - bring it, bitches! xx
  17. See, I think you're completely wrong. When: they crash the speedboat into the wedding scene and you see Alan in the background throwing the anchor out.. I fucking ended myself. Going by the trailers I expected a carbon copy of the first one, same jokes new punchlines. I think the fact that I haven't seen the first one for so long - to the point where I couldn't even remember who's stag do it was and who they lost right away - then it meant I was a lot more receptive to the second one. I think if I had went in there with high hopes it might have disappointed me but since I expected average at best then it surpassed my expectations and I really really enjoyed it. xx
  18. Tone says a great deal too. That's why communication online can so easily be misinterpreting as being/not being sarcasm - it's so difficult to tell sometimes. xx
  19. Stroopy121

    Your current read?

    I'd say read them in chronological order from when they were released. There are a lot of recurring characters and a lot of references to things from past stories cropping up here and there, so it's nice to follow the stories as they go. There are also a couple that are completely standalone and not related to any others. It's not necessary to read them in order but it's how I'd suggest it. xx
  20. If they are worth knowing about, someone here will tell me the highlights. Otherwise, I'll assume that wikipedia will tell me these people are 'musicians' and will proceed to show me their life stories which I, in turn, won't read. /coolstory xx
  21. Sorry my bad - have heard of them just didn't notice they were in there. The rest I'm drawing a blank. xx
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