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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Stroopy121

    Your current read?

    Just started the new Christopher Brookmyre book - Where the Bodies are Buried. Par for the course so far - absolutely fucking excellent. Crime fiction meets black comedy. Anyone not familiar with him I very much recommend him. Quite Ugly One Morning is his first book and is a brilliant place to start. xx
  2. I don't know who any of those people are. xx
  3. Retro's has shut the shop side of things and are online-only now in that respect. It's looking pretty fucking grim. xx EDIT: Coco Violet shutting as well...
  4. So you make a living from online poker? Or is it just a hobby that cost you a fortune today? xx
  5. Should've called it 'The Human Cen2pede' Then they'd have no choice but to allow it due to it's awesome title. xx
  6. Handed in my notice at work. So fucking glad to be seeing the back of this place. xx
  7. Fearne Cotton's glorious ring Was there ever such a lovely thing? It's beauty so fair Stripped of all it's hair It drives me to tears, and to sing Not my best work. Will let someone else have a go before we move on. xx
  8. Fat chicks with daddy issues Have just one functional use A mouthful of dick 'til they're just about sick ..it's that or domestic abuse. Next up: Genital Warts xx
  9. Either you're trolling me or you are a fucking tool. Either way, fucking stop it. xx
  10. An itching that just won't relent I scratched at myself until spent I shaved all my hair But no better did fair As I still had crabs on my wee gent. Next up: Maggie Thatcher's pussy. xx
  11. I want this. I want it so hard. Won't have a penny piece to spend for the next month or so but there is a moderate GAS binge on the horizon. xx
  12. Hangover 2 Brainless comedy, same as the first one. I thought it was unendingly hilarious. Zach Galifanakis (fuck knows if that's how you spell it) manages, once again, to perform slapstick-style comedy with deadpan delivery. Fucking brilliant movie. Would have to watch the first one again to see how they compare to one another but this one is definitely worth a watch. 8/10 Reservoir Dogs Watched this start to end for the first time since I've been old enough to understand it. Reminded me why I love Quentin Tarantino so much. Hilarious, violent, fun story with absolutely amazing performances from all the lead characters. So much win. 10/10 xx
  13. Ah brilliant. Was a brilliant set from him too. I was the guy in shorts accompanied by the woman with short, dark hair who is waaay out of my league. We actually only caught the first few Malpaso songs before headed off. Keen to come back for more though =]. xx
  14. So Ronan didn't win...? Does that make the whole article bullshit, or did Syco spin doctors take the hit and let someone else take the win to try to 'disprove' the article? I didn't watch the final, how far did Ronan get? xx
  15. Caught you guys in Musa on Friday - stoater of a set, really enjoyed. Who was the solo acoustic act on before you lot? xx
  16. I love the shot of the railings with 5 people there. This is fucking terrible. I need to make this my ringtone. xx EDIT: In Norway, even the token black? guys are white. sourabhshetty 59 minutes ago 19 Best.Comment.Ever
  17. There once was a poster called Jake Who months ago made the mistake Of telling the site Of his bubbly soft shite Spare us the details for fuck sake xx
  18. My hoop has such a lack of friction That I shat myself reading teen fiction I jiggled a bit 'til I dislodged the shit Then went back to improving my diction. xx EDIT: I like this topic.
  19. As I read about keeping my grass I felt a strange twinge in my ass I hauled down my keggs And spread my dear legs And a monster bowel movement did pass Next up: Jade Goody xx
  20. A couple of them were trying to talk to me the other day so I just veered into Waterstones. The cheeky cunts followed me in so I dropped trou and took a shit right in front of the gardening books. That fucking stopped them. xx
  21. They get paid a fucking mint to do it, too. xx
  22. I would rep the shit out of that person. xx
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