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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Honestly, if a band member thinks the name is shit then bail on it. Noone wants to be stuck in a band they are embarrassed to name. It makes you less interested in the whole project IMO. Plus if only 4/5ths of the band think it's passable then odds are it's a fairly gash name. Use BigBad & The Wlves, that's fucking ACE! xx
  2. Yeah the rhyme structure is meant to be: A A B B A When a guitarist just can't play for shit But decides that he must disguise it He'll often resort To just over-distort With a Big Muff and dance like a tit. Next subject: Words With Friends. xx
  3. You should post more. I fucking love your posts. xx
  4. I can't fucking WAIT for arkham city! If it's not the greatest sequel to ever happen I'll fucking kill myself! xx
  5. Well you do, so take your commission and your logic and fuck off. And everyone is already a cunt, but using ebay adds to your cuntishness enough for me to feel the need to shout about it on the internet. xx
  6. Gutted they censor the names. I want to be friends with these people. xx
  7. it still says you 'won' your item even if there are 50 available so don't try to come here with your logical fucking arguments and be reasonable. Ebay is a cunt so it's system is cuntish. Making anyone who plays their game, a cunt. xx
  8. By your logic I could walk into HMV, hand over 40 and 'win' a copy of whichever game takes my fancy. It's fucking stupid. xx
  9. People saying they 'Won' something on Ebay. Winning is when you get a prize, not when you agree to pay more than anyone else is willing to for something. You -bought- the fucking thing, stop trying to make it sound like a fucking achievement! xx
  10. Yeah, they're all too stressed. xx
  11. That actually got a laugh out of me at round about the 16th set of tags. Good work. xx
  12. Bet she's a fucking animal between the sheets. xx EDIT:
  13. Microwave - keep her warm without losing as much moisture, xx
  14. 'Snake them'? Holy fuck I haven't heard anyone use that expression since circa 2004. I'd rip that chick in the picture in half like a fucking phonebook though. xx
  15. No idea, it appeared on the gallery. Was going to look for the one of him in the tree but couldn't be hooped xx
  16. I offer up this one to lead us into the weekend: xx
  17. Bet he looks a right tit now. xx
  18. Can't you ask to be put on to flexi? Or is it only for certain roles? The wife has just put in an application to work at the council actually. Team leader of some sort, or something. xx EDIT: You don't happen to work in HR do you, Joe?
  19. So is Rebel Ink still in the same place as Retro Rebels was? Or is there a new premises, too? xx
  20. Tideland Delicatessen He Loves Me Not The Blues Brothers (I don't care if you've seen this a million times, watch it again because it's fucking great! xx
  21. Fucking love that movie. "EAT THE GOD DAMN SOAP!" xx
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