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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. What a mindfuck - last time I looked you were a girl from california?!?! WATS GOIN ON!??!!!!? xx
  2. No, the guy with the moustache is brown. xx
  3. Absolutely love the harmonies. Really looking forward to hearing the whole lot. Top notch. xx
  4. No but it could potentially land him a role as a drummer in an ethnically diverse but physiologically accurate Def Leppard tribute band. xx
  5. Girl Anachronism Yesterday 18:01 Loch Street, waiting for Teabags. xx
  6. That one belongs in 'Up the Arse Corner' xx
  7. Tideland Directed by Terry Gillingham and absolutely stunning performances from Jeff Bridges, Jodelle Ferland (the voices of the little sisters in bioshock) and Brendan Fletcher. When Jeliza-Rose's mum (Jennifer Tilly) dies of an overdose, her and her father (Jeff Bridges) run away to stay in Jeliza's granny's house out in the sticks. One of the weirdest movies I've ever seen but it's absolutely brilliant. Can be tough to follow but the characters absolutely suck you in. 8/10
  8. Jesus fucking christ the article actually lists his full name and address! xx
  9. Some Mothers Do 'Ave Boabies. xx EDIT: One Boabie in the Grave.
  10. Any Given Boabie. The Last Boabie of Scotland. Indiana Jones and the Boabie of Doom xx
  11. I'm moving on to tv shows now. Two and a Half Boabies. Family Boabie. Embarrassing Teenage Boabies. B.O.A.B.I.E.S. How Clean is Your Boabie? Only Fools and Boabies. xx
  12. "You killed Zombie Flanders!!" "...he was a zombie?" xx
  13. Suppose he must be busy conjuring this half hearted rapture. xx
  14. Pet Hate: Lucky not answering my fucking questions. xx
  15. Here's a question - did the shit smell worse than the dodgy cheese? xx Does your shit stink at all?
  16. Yeah, a couple of friends have worked with him and swear by him! xx
  17. Well, from town you drive through Banchory to get there... It's not that far away as I remember but it was a while back I was there so I could be miles out. Point is it's not in town and I don't think it's on a bus route, but again I could be mistaken. It's not the easiest place to find but I got there without any hassle with the directions I was given. xx
  18. In Aberdeen you've got two choices that I'm aware of: Musical Vision and Captain Toms. Out near Banchory there is Exile Studios which I've recorded in and really liked the results - pretty well priced too. xx
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