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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Running out of small talk. When you're chatting to a colleague or semi-acquaintance in an office canteen or a queue for something and you've covered the weather and 'keeping busy?' and you both realise that there are no things left to say to each other so you both stand there slowly progressing from facing each other to chat to going back to standing on your own in the queue/eating lunch/whatever. xx
  2. I can't be hooped checking again, but if no one had '3 Men and a Boabie' then a trick was certainly missed. xx
  3. I'm really not comfortable with how much the Falcon Punch .gif turned me on... xx
  4. Oh fuck that was brilliant! "Meanwhile, in San Fancisco..." is a perpetual highlight for me but that was comedy genius! xx
  5. I'll take two too, but it'll have to wait until a week tomorrow (payday) if you're willing to hold them? xx
  6. They were but they weren't as obnoxious and were actually kinda funny then, IMO. xx
  7. Tis unlike any other cinema experience one is likely to have. xx
  8. Usually only the last one as it's so painfully long. A friend of mine was about two minutes into it, decided to go to piss, made a quick phone call and came back and the scene still wasn't over. Wouldn't be so bad but the lass is a fucking hound. Spare tyres ah-wye! xx
  9. Well wha'd'ya know, small world! You were there when it showed a month or two back as well, non? xx
  10. They be the ones. I wanna go tonight too, but funds do not allow. Hope someone tries to beat the 20 laps I managed during the last sex scene! Wish to fuck I was in better shape, gonna do some training and aim for 30 next time it comes back. xx
  11. I'd be interested - could you send a couple of pics? I'll take two - possibly 3 - if they are still going by payday. xx
  12. I already answered this before but I'll say it again, you've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense. xx
  13. He was too hungry to let it go to waste. xx
  14. I looked up juggling chainsaws to prove you wrong, but it's actually not that cool. xx
  15. The forum has seemed awfully quiet these past few days. Where the fuck is everyone? xx
  16. T'was awesome last night, but the guys behind us had the most RANCID banter I've ever heard. xx
  17. Better solution. Buy an Xbox. xx
  18. I'll trade you my caps lock key for it? xx
  19. I've been up for 48-72 hour binges before, the hangover doesn't arrive until you go to sleep. If you don't sleep the drunkenness just kind of wares away and the hangover isn't really as severe. I assume it's because instead of lying asleep for hours you're still moving around and rehydrating yourself and eating fried food, so probably pretty close to what Soda said. xx
  20. The Men Who Stare at Boabie is my favourite. xx
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