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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. This 'fact' always annoyed me. Of course sharks don't stop swimming. What the fuck else are they going to do? Get out the water and read on a fucking sunlounger? People are idiots. xx
  2. Frasier is fucking glorious. Watch it. Watch it all. xx
  3. I always wondered that... when does it become '3 men' and will they turn it into a prequel to 3 men and a baby? xx
  4. I fucking love 2.5men and I fucking love Charlie Sheen. The haters can get tae fuck. Curious to see how Ashton gets on but much more curious to see how they disperse with Charlie's character...? Think they'll just open the new series with Alan, Jake and Evelyn walking into the house coming home from Charlie's funeral or something equally obvious? xx
  5. That was my 1,000th post. This makes me happy. xx
  6. Another idea would be to get a page from the guy's notebook in superbad tattooed all over my back. Some kind of cock-montage. A cockglomerate, if you will. xx
  7. I really want to google it but can't imagine having "back penis tattoo" on my work computer's search history being a good thing... xx
  8. I'll get a huge one on my back. The balls will be on my arse, the shaft up my spine and a huge bell-end on the back of my napper. xx
  9. Ah blast you warned me too late! I'll just have to turn up early for the next one and pierce him on his way in, take his edge away. xx
  10. Aker Solutions. A former colleague who moved there from the company I'm currently at put it a recommendation for me. xx
  11. I figured the piercings couldn't make too much difference with all the swastikas and cocks tattooed on my face and head anyway. Plus, I'm applying for a technical engineering role - when I spoke to the interviewer afterwards he said I interviewed really well but he felt he had to point out that if I were to be meeting a client I'd have to take them out. The penny then dropped and I apologised for still having them in, told him I meant to take them out this morning but it completely slipped my mind. The interviewer told me it's absolutely not a problem, piercings and tattoos are just that and have no impact on your ability to do the job - unfortunately some clients can be more closed minded. I'm lucky in so much as it's fortunate my interviewer was as open minded as he is but when a company are looking for good employees then only a few would turn you away if you're a good candidate because of some jewellery. As as for this 'you don't deserve the job' shit, fuck right off. I left a lip and nose ring in to go to a job interview and that somehow makes me less fucking worthy? I suppose if I'd forgotten to gel my hair or if my pen burst in my pocket and I had to do the interview with an ink stain on my shirt then I should've been told to stop wasting the company's fucking time? xx
  12. Thor Fucking awesome. Excellent casting. Anthony Hopkins blew my expectations out of the water as Odin. One or two incidents with dodgy CGI which is IMHO in a modern day blockbuster completely inexcusable. Otherwise, flawless. If Captain America and the Avengers movies are that good I'll be a happy, happy bastard. 9/10 xx
  13. You could offer him Chess lessons in return? xx
  14. It's fucking devastating when a total n00b fucks you at chess! Beginners luck. Fuck him up, Lucky xx
  15. Is there a power cable included? xx
  16. Iphone or Android of chess with friends? I fucking want a piece of that action! xx
  17. Think I might take it up a gear; I won't show up at all and I'll pounce on my interviewer as she leaves work and pierce her face. If she has big tits, I'll pierce it with my dick. LAD xx
  18. Despite turning up late having got myself locked into the car park at the wrong building and then forgetting to take out all my facial piercings before my interview this morning, I still got a second interview! GET IT UP YE! I also returned to my desk today from my 'dentist appointment' an hour later than I said I would due to the interview overrunning and my boss didn't even notice. So much win! xx
  19. Is that the same guy who sent a drawing of a spider to the bank? That one nearly killed me... xx
  20. Any chance of a copy 'n' paste for those of us who can't access that site? xx
  21. Not that anal retentive regarding spelling though, are we? xx
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