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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. They're all hardwired to a server via a cable that connects into the ground similarly to how a scalectrix set works. xx
  2. I see you this and raise you - people who say "I am OCD about....". Learn the fucking difference between a noun and an adjective. xx
  3. Two spoons of coffee, two spoons of sugar. xx
  4. And here's me thinking that it's a brain that drummers are lacking. xx
  5. Neither of you has a soul. xx
  6. The only word in the English language to contain three consecutive pairs of letters: Bookkeeper. xx
  7. Kudos for using three successive 'that's in a sentence. xx
  8. Anyone who uses the phrase "That awkward moment when...." and expects anything they say afterwards to be funny. Fucking cunts. I've got a fucking idea for you, how about you develop a sense of comic timing and try to actually construct a fucking joke rather than just taking a quirky idea or observation, sticking "That awkward moment when...." in front of it and naming a fucking facebook group after it. Fucking cunts. xx
  9. Cunt. That song is now welded into my head. I didn't even watch the video - I didn't need to. xx
  10. You are a Lucky man. Fucking excellent movie. Get The Sword and the Stone, too. xx
  11. The work I'm doing on site today involves hours of sitting around. Is there anywhere to read books online for free? I'm mid-way through the Two Towers atm so if someone could tell me where to find that specifically I'd rep them... which is really all I can offer.. xx
  12. Proper jumping for joy when I closed that one out with a win! Stoater of a game though. xx
  13. Fuck just getting the wheel... xx
  14. So you, while a first year, had to phone home and say 'Mum, I've pissed myself'... You must've got your ass beat so hard? xx
  15. Beautiful Mountain to Tapas on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Cheap as chips and fucking amazing food! xx
  16. Vague as fuck posts. xx
  17. If you're out and about and spot the most unbelievably good looking, chiselled Adonis of a man you've ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on, it's me. xx
  18. Controls Engineer. But as I'm new in the game that's just a fancy way of saying "paperwork-monkey". Since the company I'm at have no graduate training scheme then they haven't really taught me a fucking thing in the year I've been here, which is utter shit. Hopefully this could signal a big change in that, though! xx
  19. Aker Solutions. Hopefully they'll be willing/able to put me through a Masters, too. Company I'm with just now have just been ballsing me around for the past year. xx
  20. Just got offered a job interview for a week today! Epic win! xx
  21. There's an election tonight? xx
  22. No chance. Wal-Mart have bought Asda. It'll be alternating Asdas and Starbucks. With a few really big Asdas which have a Starbucks and a McDonalds in them. xx
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