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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I normally have to travel from city centre out to westhill in the morning and traffic is fairly baws. Monday, however, I need to go out to Newburgh: How is the traffic outbound from the city centre heading onto the A90 in the morning? I know the traffic coming in is an utter spaff-fest... I need to be at Newburgh for 9, if anyone travels that way at that time regularly, how much time should I give myself? xx
  2. Why the fuck is that funny? I took one look at it and burst into giggles in the office! xx
  3. When you have to give up on a parking space because it's too small or because you're too shit a driver to manoeuvre into it. Especially if you've held traffic up in your attempt to park. xx
  4. Whatcha gonna do with all that junk All that junk inside your trunk I'ma get get get get you drunk Get you love drunk off my hump My hump my hump my hump my hump my hump My hump my hump my hump my lovely little lumps xx
  5. It's amazing how much one arsehole employee can taint your opinion of a place for years... xx
  6. You don't really appreciate how horrendous they are until you see them written down.... xx
  7. Fuck that. Keggs off, over the shoulder and march to the next cubicle with your head held high. Cool as a fucking cucumber. xx
  8. Shitty thing to happen. I had always assumed the place to be doing fairly well. Can't say I've shopped there particularly often, but I can't say that I shop at all particularly often... I heard whoever is buying it turning it into either a retail development with a garden on the roof or a golf course... In all seriousness though, I hope whatever it's future is as many of the current staff as possible are kept on! xx
  9. Maybe Dragonforce are just really, really far away. Too far to express in just one song.... xx
  10. Because someone has to have a line in the sand (no pun intended) somewhere? I suppose Bin Laden was different as he was responsible (provided of course you believe he was...) for a direct attack on the US... That's what I'd say the difference is, anyway. These other dictators, although we disagree with their 'policies' are a different kettle of fish. IMHO. xx
  11. From the sound of it though, his fate was decided in a government board room when the op was planned... It's not like they were told to bring him alive under any circumstances then one guy in the heat of the moment shot him on impulse. Again, just devil's advocate.. xx
  12. You'd need an impartial judge and an impartial jury which you'll never, ever, find. xx
  13. We are, the harlot. How the fuck dare she expect a roof over her head from the council housing programme? The nerve of some people. Did you even fucking consider this option? 3 bed and I bet you could afford that shit! xx
  14. Oh yeah? Well I like apple pie. And you like banoffee. We both love shopping for furniture. And meeting for coffee. We pretend we're into art galleries. 'Cause it makes us feel clever. We're both in our element when we're on our knees. Whatever the weather. xx
  15. Personally, I think the 'grope your tits in public' option is a winner. xx
  16. You're wrong. You're wrong so hard that it physically hurts. Spot on here, though. xx
  17. Any song that rhymes 'love' and 'above'... xx
  18. ...and follows up with ECOFREAK for 65.... xx
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