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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I just wanted to use the phrase 'having his dong flogged', if I'm honest. xx
  2. Really? Was James Bond cool because he didn't fuck the woman? Did he just sit there staring into his Martini smug in the knowledge that he could be having his dong flogged by some tart? I think not. xx
  3. After you fuck her in the toilets. Amirite? xx
  4. I love some of the stuff on there, particularly November. I have a question though. A general poetry question as opposed to a question for you specifically, but google has been of little help. Where does the structure come from? Why is it laid out the way it is? I understand that poetry obviously doesn't need to rhyme or fit a specific template, but take the last verse of November for example. Are there specific reasons that it's laid out like this: And not this: The night draws in quicker now. Silhouetted, the naked churchyard trees that catch our death of cold, the day sitting low in the sky, over frozen blue streets outside. Or this: The night draws in quicker now. Silhouetted, the naked churchyard trees that catch our death of cold, the day sitting low in the sky, over frozen blue streets outside. Is it to do with separating key images and phrases from each other? Should each line be looked at individually for deeper meaning out-with it's context in the poem as a whole? Or is it more to do with structuring it so that it reads the way the writer intends...? xx
  5. I considered amending a couple - the ones with a 'double' option can be seen by some as 'cool-if-successful', in which case they are only 'uncool' rather than 'double-uncool' if you lose your arm wrestle or miss your high-five. xx
  6. Also, calling a dog that doesn't know it's name / doesn't give a fuck about you enough to come to you Arm wrestling (double-true if you lose) High five-ing (double true if you miss / don't make full contact and don't get a satisfying 'slap' sound) Having brain freeze Apologising for something you genuinely feel really, really shitty about. xx
  7. Just playing devils advocate, but couldn't one argue it' d be more impartial, and therefore more 'just'? xx
  8. A thread for lyrical inconsistencies/utter baws in songs. Not dissimilar to the Pet Hates thread, but a little more specialist. I'll start with the most obvious: Another that irks me is Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak. Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak, somewhere in the town... The fucking Jail would be a reasonable place to start investigating, cunt. Anyone else get really annoyed by a particular lyric? xx EDIT:
  9. I wanted to rep this phrase. The Gods said no. xx
  10. Waiting to sneeze / sneezing. Performing taxing mental arithmetic. Trying to get someone's attention who doesn't notice you. Running anywhere when you aren't dressed as a 'runner'. - If you're obviously out for a run then it's not uncool, but if you're having to run somewhere in a suit then you look like a total dick. xx
  11. Touche. Never considered it from that angle if I'm honest - although it could be that Obama had a saunter through to Pakistan at the start of his presidency, captured Bin Laden but decided to hold him privately, just incase they needed an ace in the hole.. xx
  12. My two cents: The report I read (please correct me if there has been more info since) stated words to the effect of "troops stormed a heavily defended villa/compound and took out Bin Laden and two others." How the fuck do you storm a 'heavily defended' compound and only kill 3 people? And going by what Jake said, one of whom was a civilian / innocent of some sort? I smell shit somewhere. I also find it funny that Bin Laden was killed at the time Obama's popularity is waning and re-election season is drawing closer.. But I'm a cynic. xx
  13. Wood. Maple, to be specific. Looking to start a bass build and hoping to start with the neck, so a couple of feet worth of maple 2x4 would be awesome. Otherwise, a nice big slab of maple/rosewood/any other tonewood for a body would be lovely. Long shot I know, but I'm hoping someone on here is a joiner and might have some off cuts of timber they could shanghai for me....? xx
  14. I didn't understand a single one of those.. xx
  15. I'll reasonable your fucking head clean off! With my DICK! xx
  16. Fuck off, stop being so reasonable. xx
  17. Lesley reads praise And merrily accepts Deciding it's unwise Stooping to his level. xx
  18. Pet hate: when someone fucks up a perfectly good internet argument with a resolution. But yeah, I pretty much agree with what JB said. Only I've also added that a Pet Hate of mine is people who assume I give a fuck if they are stressed. xx
  19. Twice this morning I've wanted to rep you. Blast the rep gods. xx
  20. I assume he's dicking about on a music forum when he has coursework and exams coming up. xx
  21. You appear to have misinterpreted me. I was stressed while I was at uni. I know in retrospect that uni wasn't that stressful but at the time I was pulling my hair out. The point that I'm making is if you're stressed, work hard. The pet hate here is people making such an enormous show of being stressed, irritating the fuck out of me (and John W from what I gather) with their complaining, while making absolutely no effort in their course. This is directed entirely at the student contingent on my facebook feed and is in no way intended as a dig at you. If, however, you are one of those people who posts daily about the hardships of student life let me tell you on behalf of your facebook feed that noone gives a fuck. Uni is hard, I get that. Uni is also important, your actions can have pretty substantial consequences on your career. But all students need to be aware that no one in the world gives a fuck what their word count is except themselves. They also need to be aware that, just like when you're in first year the work you're doing seems difficult but by third year you realise that first year was a walk in the park, although you find uni stressful now by the time you've been in the 'real world' (I fucking hate that patronising bastard of a phrase, but I'm being a bit of a patronising cunt, so fuck it) for a couple of years your stress tolerance will be re-calibrated and you'll wonder what the fuck you were so stressed about back then. xx [/pretentious, patronising cunt]
  22. Boo fucking hoo! I went to university but I didn't realise there would be so much FUCKING WORK INVOLVED?! Man the fuck up or leave. No one is forcing you to be there. If you want an education, do the work. Be stressed if you want, doesn't bother me. Just don't be one of these braindead wankers posting on their facebook all day about how they are 'NEVER GOING TO MANAGE TO FINISH THEIR THESIS OMG I'VE ONLY DONE 6 WORDS AND HAVE A BILLION LEFT TO DO I SUPPOSE I SHOULDN'T BE ON FACEBOOK HAHA LOL'. Then posting the next day about being pissed. I believe these are the cunts John W was referring to. If you don't fall into this category, then you have no need to defend yourself. By doing so, you just make yourself out to be one of these cunts. Just sayin'. xx
  23. If I wasn't a shit poet I'd write stuff like xx
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