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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Anyone who is born into more privilege than I was is a scumbag who the country could do without. Anyone born into less privilege than I was and makes a success of theirself is an admirable member of society. Anyone born into less privilege than I and who is content / trapped in those circumstances is scum who shouldn't be allowed to breed. xx
  2. So it's basically your 'likes' page from facebook? Just like twitter is basically your status updates? xx
  3. I get it, because old bands are old.... right? xx
  4. The Harlem Fucking Globetrotters are in Aberdeen tonight??? xx
  5. If it were an eye for an eyelet, we'd all have blinds. xx
  6. Just get a smart price duvet and hang that up? xx
  7. That's the one! Asda also stock it. xx
  8. Joke #2: I find them tolerable, but I've never found Ricky Tomlinson that funny. I like Ralph Little though. xx
  9. My father was a Fox who was hunted down by those snotty bastards on their high horses. Ergo, in my eyes, the royal family are a shower of murderous cretins against whom I swear vengeance! xx
  10. See I think of myself as a resident of the Milky Way Galaxy first, then an Earthling, Human, Man, Northern Hemisphere... etc. xx
  11. Did an apple tree grow in your belly? xx
  12. Don't get me started on when you bite an apple and part of the core comes away with the bite of flesh so you're stuck eating that weird, nylon-tasting shit that holds the seeds in.... xx
  13. Pet Hate: Mandarins. Mandarins can fuck off and die. Not only are they a prick to try to peel with all the pith thinking in can act the goat and stick to the orangey bit that I want to eat, but when you're taking the peel off even though it's tough as shit to break into, the peel comes off in tiny little chunks. Then it has the fucking audacity to get all squished in my fucking Lennie Small hands and all the fucking juice goes everywhere. THEN the cunt of a thing thinks it's acceptable, after all that shit, to have fucking seeds in it. Do you think just because you're a little bit bigger than a clementine that makes it OK to be this fucking difficult to eat?! I think not. Clementines know what the score is. Peel comes off all at once with no fuss, no pith, no seeds, no fucking problem. Clementines >> Mandarins. xx
  14. The cherry beer is 2die4! Delirium is fantastic too. xx
  15. If you have a super duper hand dryer, how fucking long can it possibly take to try your hands? Alternative solution - use a paper towel. xx
  16. I agree the staff are lovely. One of the best bars I've been in in Aberdeen for service (IMHO). I like that brewdog are turning people on to real ales and stouts who normally would be squirrelled away in their comfort zone drinking Tennants (or a Corona if they felt exotic). I just sincerely hope these people, once they realise that there is a wider world to explore, explore at least as far as the POW and the Moorings and try some of their weird and wonderful ales, rather than just finding a new 'comfort zone' among brewdog beers. xx
  17. Wrong. You're both wrong. That's a Duke Nukem quote, Carpenter just went back in time and put it in his movie to steal the credit for it. xx
  18. This is what I got when I googled him: xx
  19. You're comparing them to lagers rather than ales/beers though. I'd take a good ale over a bottle of becks but I'd take almost any other beer over brewdog. And the stout is fucking awful, too. xx
  20. I understand the post pruning, but seriously, I don't know who P**** D** is and my work laptop doesn't have Google installed (I'm really fucking lazy) Who is P**** D**? xx EDIT: I dare not speak His name, apparently.
  21. Personally, I think brewdog beers are average at best and are a complete triumph of style over substance. xx
  22. Can't say I've seen the original if I'm honest, I didn't even know it was a remake until afterwards.. xx
  23. You're entitled to your opinion, but it is wrong. xx
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