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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. http://www.the-editing-room.com/mad-max-2-the-road-warrior.html These are good, too. xx
  2. Calm down, it's not your fault you've lost your edge. No longer on the cutting edge of news and current events in the city. Time gets the better of us all. It was only a matter of time before the EE started putting word out about these hot-button issues before you got to them. xx
  3. Classic diddler move is to sign it with the bleedy, spunky tip of his boab after splitting you open like a pea-pod. xx
  4. I'd be more inclined to believe how blissful it is if any of the tweed-waistcoat-laden shitbirds in those places were clean shaven. Seems weird that every cunt has a beard in shops that charge you a dickload of money to shave them off and gently scald your face. xx
  5. Stroopy121

    Sold as a bundle pending the usual. Sorry Gypsum. Xx
  6. Yeah - they did describe something similar with the other girl Alex sees and is convinced she must be new, but Piper explains how she's always been there and it's totally feasible that she's just never been noticed before... Clumsy, but forgivable. xx
  7. Finished OITNB S3. See what Lemonade meant about it being a bit more over the top and a bit less real, but holy fuck what an amazing season. They did an amazing job of developing background characters and not just focusing on Piper's world. Awesome sauce. Xx
  8. I love those idiots sharing Daily Mash and NewsThump stuff not realising it's satire! xx
  9. Fuck the UUA. Join the Interdental Republican Army. xx
  10. What prompted the name change? Stuff like the toilets and the cosmetic/practical layout overhaul all make sense for obvious reasons, but the name change makes it feel more like a total re-brand? And the trains pass at "about half 6". You don't need to be more accurate than that. xx
  11. You look like a child molester. xx EDIT: I see your point, though.
  12. Yeah, I heard the bar is changing it's name too, but everyone still hates you. xx
  13. But if you don't use capital letters then it just looks like a string of random letters rather than really deep and meaningful lyrics from a song I downloaded off kazaa. xx
  14. Enough of the water works. xx
  15. Great post - genuinely one of the best posts I've seen on this forum for ages. xx
  16. Are you fiddling the DNS settings to use Polish Netflix? xx
  17. I'm kinda glad someone has said that about OITNB - have only heard rave reviews so far and I like to pull my expectations down a little before binging on a new series! The first two were incredible, planning on making a start on it tonight! xx
  18. Yeah, you're not allowed to think that hipster burger bars are shite unless you're dragged in against your will and force-fed thrice cooked chips served in a teapot. xx
  19. Stroopy121

    Yours. You able to meet at Downstairs on Sunday? I should have noted, I'm only delivering if it's the whole bundle! xx
  20. Fucking hell that is embarrassing... xx
  21. Ouch, where would I hear that? xx
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