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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Arthur I used to hate Russel Brand, but when I finally gave him the time of day I developed a real soft spot for him. This movie is hilarious IMO, lots of full on LOL lines, one or two of which are spoiled by being in the trailers but this is fortunately not one of those comedies where the trailers contain every good joke. Story-wise it's a little predictable but this is more than made up for with fun characters and Brand's dialogue sparkles and is full of wit as per. Lots of I-WANT-ONE-OF-THOSE moments and some really good performances (Helen Mirren is spectacular, as per). Would watch again and would certainly recommend it. 9/10 xx
  2. I have a desire HD and fucking love it. Iphone can juggle my balls. Downside - it has (twice now) spontaneously deleted all my texts, but it's no great heartache to be honest. Battery life is fine with me and I use it for gaming fairly constantly. Get a solid day - day and a half out of it with pretty heavy use. xx
  3. Slutbags, will you have a threesome with me and HoopGirl? She sounds lovely. xx
  4. If it's a 'foot' count, would you have to count every person twice? xx
  5. Depends how hungry/horny you are.... xx
  6. Won't this 'helping smaller parties' business mean that the likes of the NF or BNP will be able to get more seats though as the number of racist wankers steadily increases? xx
  7. Yeah it'd all come under the food hygiene laws and all that noise. Every time someone gets ill from an undercooked sausage the restaurant get raped. xx EDIT: Ah the age old disclaimer, if you die, it's your fault. Sign here and chow down! xx
  8. Guesswork here, but I'd say a reason that no one does it is because fresh = expensive and freshly cooked = slow. A roast dinner in half an hour is a big ask IMO considering that a takeaway pizza can take that long... On top of that, with the likes of the 'dine in for two for 10' offers from markies where you just buy a box of food and throw it in the oven, I think it'd be hard to compete on price. xx
  9. If you're gonna do one of these, IMHO you'd be a fool not to do both. xx
  10. That is brilliant! Had to watch it 3 or 4 times to see what was actually funny about it, was too busy staring at the blonde one's tits hoping they'd jump out of her top to notice the background! xx
  11. Wanted to rep but the gods disagreed. Genuine LOL at the limes one and a pretty hearty chuckle at the cat. xx
  12. Why is Chris marked as staff twice under his user name? My only guess is he works twice as hard as the other guys? xx
  13. Typical of me. I come first but in my haste sacrifice something in quality. xx
  14. I believe that they do takeaway but I don't deliver? /uselessguesswork xx
  15. It's a reference to some old console game that was poorly translated from japanese. Link. xx
  16. Not a huge fan of peeling them but the smaller ones tend to be easier... xx
  17. I wouldn't mind the shit pictures / meme being posted if there wasn't 30 fucking pictures of each person being posted at a time. Could you at least put them all in the same post and put some spoiler tags around them? /reasonable xx
  18. I second this, I use my phone for the site quite a lot but I've never used the mobile site mind - I got on the internet-phone bandwagon more recently than that.. Anyway - a mobile friendly version of the site would be lovely. xx
  19. The Room is being shown here on May 16th and 17th. If you only watch one movie this year, make it The Room. xx
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