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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. If you're on Droid then go to the market and update. That doesn't fix it then try uninstalling and re-downloading. xx
  2. I enjoy pooping in the living room when noone else is in. xx
  3. Yeah I just clicked whenever I saw a junction, a car ahead's brake lights, a pedestrian/cyclist or another car appear on the road. Then click more as cars slow down/pull out of junctions/pedestrians cross road and whatnot. xx
  4. Stroopy121


    I can't speak for everyone - but I do love the smell of my own farts. That said I can tell when they are more or less horrendous than usual, that's the best part. Dropping a hoop stinger and knowing that everyone within the blast radius is liable to puke! xx
  5. I was once at Alton Towers and queued up for AGES to get on to the front seats of a one of the roller coasters. By the time I got to the front of the queue they announced it was the last ride of the day but the front seats were taken! I kicked up a massive fuss and started shouting and swearing at the staff... "Tell those fucking selfish arseholes who have taken MY seat at the front to fuck off!" that kind of nonsense. My mates just shut their mouths and slipped quietly onto seats further back while I made a huge scene. Sure enough, I got my seat at the front next to three disabled guys. What a mug. xx
  6. Stroopy121


    Complete and utter shit. Being vegetarian for 4 years then vegan for two my arse didn't smell any worse than before or after I was veg*n. xx
  7. Just like they would ALL do in Glasgow. xx
  8. He's not being serious?! I thought it was just further evidence that he is, infact, cool1. xx
  9. Absolutely yes. My guitars are my babies, god forbid I ever have to sell one of them. Only bass I've ever sold was the POS westfield that I learned to play on and I wish to fuck I had kept it! xx
  10. I think the lineup is pretty good to be honest. I don't know who a few of the bands are, like that Kesha chick or whatever.. Couple of good names and I think it'd be worth a look. I won't go due to limited funding but I hope it sells out! More festivals in the area (particularly a bit of competition with Wizard) will mean that they can try a little more niche bands, maybe have a smaller 'alternative' stage the likes of the lock-up at reading/leeds and put on a few wildcards here and there. IMHO this can only be a good thing. Especially if emergency72's dog gets hyperactive with a lack of exercise and eats him. xx
  11. I've never seen Kick-Ass, so I'll grant you a deferral of my judgement until I do, but I fucking hate Nick Cage. I think Nickelbag are bland, american stadium rock trash. That said, I find them completely unobjectionable and if I were in a pub or the like and they came on the jukebox I'd laugh at whomever had bland enough taste in music to go out of their way to listen to them, but I don't find them particularly worthy of scorn. There's a stoater of a video on youtube of Chad Kroeger being pelted in the head with a rock during a gig and walking off. Classic stuff. So yeah, the hate is for Nicholas Cage. Infact - look up the facebok group 'Intense Nicolas Cage Face' on facebook, tis worth a chuckle IMHO. xx
  12. Confession: If I didn't have to spread, I'd probably neg rep you for that shit. xx
  13. Just landed 'Opaques' for 170 points! Stroopy121 - come and have a go with you think you're 'ard enough! xx
  14. Americanisms annoy me, but 'Majoring' more so that most, simply because in UK schools you have mave a major and a seperate minor so the term makes sense there - you don't have a minor here so the term doesn't make fucking sense. I hate people. xx
  15. I do wish I had a silver star, but that zinophobe comment made me lol, as do many of his comments. I actually just wish I was that funny. xx
  16. Confession: I fucking wish I was as funny as Soda Jerk. xx
  17. Stroopy121


    I'm sure Bill Pearl is Vegan now too. xx
  18. Stroopy121


    Lentils are your friend. Lentil curry, lentil bolognese, lentils are awesome! I have a few recipes if you want? I was vegan for about 2 years. Best advice is try not to get caught out - if you find yourself looking for a snack at a petrol garage or something you'll end up with a choice of dry bread or settling for vegetarian option. If I get around to it I'll post some more vegan stuff tonight / tomorrow, gotta head offski now. Unless you're trolling, in which case BAHHH FUCK YOU GARRH! xx
  19. How do you shag a 15 year old on the internet? xx
  20. Confession: I oppose the things you support. Confesstion 2: I posted this in the wrong forum, because I'm a lazy, piss ignorant fucking foreigner. xx
  21. Could a Mod reverse the rep I gave emergency72 in the 'Confessions' thread to make it neg? xx
  22. Confession - I gave positive rep by mistake. xx
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