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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Never read the comic so I didn't know he was meant to be awkward, but I definitely got the impression he was spineless, although to be perfectly fair it is possible I went in with that impression and the movie simply failed to change my mind. The reason it irritated me was he seemed like a spineless little pussy then these badass fight scenes broke out... Just seemed like a conflicting character to me. xx
  2. Don't you think so? His Cera-ness almost ruined that movie for me... His bumbling awkwardness never stopped irritating me! xx
  3. That doesn't make him a good actor though! It makes him a typecast joke who is phoning it in despite no depth, range or real talent - and that's why I hate him. xx
  4. It's the internet, poor girl has to learn the rules some time. See below for some of the relevant rules in question 25. Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post. 26. Any topic can be turned into something totally unrelated. 27. Always question a person's sexual preferences without any real reason. 28. Always question a person's gender - just in case it's really a man. 29. On the internet, all girls are men, and all kids are undercover FBI agents. 30. There are NO girls on the internet. 31. TITS or GTFO - the choice is yours. 32. You must have pictures to prove your statements. 32.5 All your pictures were obviously photoshopped xx
  5. I thought he was fucking terrible in Superbad. So was Jonah. That movie was amazingly well written, but the only -actor- I think was excellent was whoever played McLovin (and the two cops, but I mean of the three main kids). Cera and Jonah's characters were hilariously well written with some amazing lines but the actors (IMHO) deserve minimal credit for that... xx EDIT: Fucking terrible is more hyperbole. They are distinctly ignorable. Again, IMHO.
  6. Confession: I've never seen Arrested Development. I don't know if it's a movie or a sitcom. Watch Juno followed by Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist and tell me you don't want to smack the shit out of the dithering ponce. xx
  7. No. I wank twice a week at work because I fucking love to come and that's roughly how often my self-control fails me. xx
  8. I think the Belmont should do an Unlimited card. I'd love to take a punt on every random foriegn or indie movie that appears there, but fuck paying 9 a ticket on a completely random punt. I'd happily pay around 150 for an annual pass though and the money I'd spend on popcorn and drinks from the cafe etc would add up too. They are stupid not to do it. xx
  9. Speak for your-fucking-self xx
  10. Wishing him dead more than Owen Hart. I reserve most of my real bloodlust for Michael Cera and a few assorted others. When I was a kid I fucking loved Owen Hart and was devastated by what happened but I've always hated Edge & Christian (they will always be a pair in my eyes even though I stopped watching WWF around the time I hit puberty). I don't actually wish the guy dead, I hate the character he plays, I think Owen Hart's death was a complete tradgedy and I like to use ABSOLUTELY FUCKING MILLIONS OF TONNES of hyperbole on the t'internet. Throw in a little nostalgia for when I used to watch WWF and you have my previous post. I wank in my work toilets at least twice a week. xx
  11. Edge is and always was a giant bell-end. Should've been him instead of Owen Hart IMO. (It was Owen Hart who died doing the abseil ring-entry, right?) xx
  12. If the bird thing you mean is why didnt they just fly to mordor on the same bird that took them home, its because sauron would have spotted them miles away and killed them. They wouldnt have had a chance. Xx
  13. You're. I don't know what 'japes' means... Xx
  14. I still am a stupid child. xx
  15. Atta boy. PM me your number and I'll drop you a text about getting a practise booked next week. Any nights particularly good/bad for you? xx
  16. Modo had the robot arm, Vinnie had the metal plate. Get it fucking right. xx
  17. What the fuck is that from? I recognise it but can't place it. xx
  18. Remembering Needleman may require a drummer in the near future as ours is fucking off to the states, the cunt. Only got an acoustic track and a pretty-far-from-perfect demo up on the soundcloud but it'll give you an idea of what we do.. There are a couple of more 'hardcore' influenced tracks bouncing about too. And I'm looking to experiment with some punk-rock-meets-country-and-western type stuff. We've got a full set of songs pretty much ready to gig once we get everything tightened up, if you're atall interested? xx
  19. I did not know that. As I said, something new every day. xx
  20. Not according to the wiki...
  21. Ahhhhh.. Yeah I didn't make the rhyming connection, I thought it was another, much more complicated reference... I also didn't realise Golliwogs were based on minstrels. Something new every day. xx
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