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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Fair enough, so the dolls are considered racist because racist people started calling black people after them? Seems a bit backwards to me to be honest. I also don't get why the 'Jaki' indian doll Christy just mentioned in Pet Hates is racist... xx
  2. I don't get why Golliwogs are racist. xx
  3. I might be keen for a slice of that action, assuming you're still on the hunt for a bassist? xx
  4. Technically it wouldn't be domestic violence, the woman was a stranger who drove into me so it'd probably be plain old aggrivated assault. xx
  5. Well... sony imports from china... it could go either way tbh. It's a discontinued model, so again, could be a load of old stock got bought in to some warehouse and is getting flogged off... the feedback is all positive for the seller if that's anything to go by? xx
  6. Sony MDR-EX71 SL Stereo Bass Earphones In box For MP3 on eBay (end time 03-May-11 15:13:58 BST) 11. xx
  7. Apologies for the dead thread revival, but my trusty phillips 'phones are dying on me as we speak. The wife tells me there are a set of skull candy bud types in town for 12... the price is right and all but I've spotted a pair of Lucky's MRD-EX71's on eBay for 11 (shipping from china) and a pair of EX300's for 10 (shipping from the UK). Anyone know if the 300s are any good? Better than the 71s? Are the 71s worth waiting a week for delivery? And how are skull candys for bass response? Are they just for posers who want a brand name or are they any good? xx
  8. Gah. Want. Skint. People should stop selling awesome stuff here until I win the lottery. Hope she finds a good home. xx
  9. Oh shit, sorry I misread the question like a dickhead. I thought the 2kg bag was cheaper. In that case it's probably because whoever did the pricing is a moron and didn't notice...? It's not uncommon that those things don't match up to be fair. A 2l bottle of coke won't cost the same as 4 500ml bottles... xx
  10. Just a guess but I'd say it's due to the cost of packaging and having the bags packaged and such. The cost of rice is so low that the weight of it would be of little difference to the cost. xx
  11. Yeah I think I might have known that actually, is that the band with the bellend singer Frank something... Frank Carter? xx
  12. Pet hate: Anyone who uses 'haha' and 'lol' in the same sentance with no discernable trace of irony. xx
  13. dat or suking my massiv dik haha lol LAAAADS! xx
  14. Yeah, last month I was in the 5 car pileup on the westhill road because the road was icy and not gritted. Today was just a bump though, girl thought I'd gone at the roundabout and just drove into the arse of me, no damage beyone a slightly cracked number plate so no harm no foul. I hate cars. xx EDIT: and women drivers. AMIRITE!?!!!11
  15. I've lost count of how many times I've been chewing my pen at work and managed to draw over my face, failing to notice until I catch a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror. I also judge bands instantly based on their names. Any (current) band with a 'The' at the start of their name I instantly assume to sound like completely generic indie. For example I couldn't tell you the difference between the Hoosiers, the Wombats and the Gallows. Or are the Gallows one of those bands that sound like they have a 'the' but don't...? xx
  16. The guy who started Marxism. Boom. Cross thread humour. xx I wish I was funny.
  17. That's the sexiest part! xx
  18. Don't knock it 'till you've tried it. xx
  19. Girl I worked with once claimed to have shingles to justify not coming in to work. She would have gotten away with it had the stupid bint not tried to claim she and her flatmate both had it, that one caught it from the other. She should've claimed she caught it from a megabus seat. xx
  20. The dosey fucking bitch who drove into the back of my fucking car at a roundabout on Anderson Drive today. Thankfully the car wasn't damaged 'cause if it were I'd have walked over and given the cunt an uppercut right in the vagina. An uppercunt, if you will. xx
  21. I think he means he got a concentrated dose of shingles from the megabus seat. xx
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