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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. At the end of the day, talent is overrated. What I really look for in a band/singer is marketing. If the right people tell me it's good, it doesn't matter how it sounds, I'll think it's good too. And if enough girls who are my age fancy that person, I'll try my best to be just like them. Oh, and if Glee does it, it's awesome. xx
  2. I saw that! Fucking decked myself, one of those moments I wished I had sky+, never occured to me to use iplayer. Excellent work! xx
  3. Pop (in this context) songs are not good songs. Ergo the phrase "good pop song" is an oxymoron. IMHO. xx
  4. Finally got around to adding a track to that shared playlist. Loving the Japandroids tune. xx
  5. Big fucker on my side from a collapsed lung. Happened in English class at academy but the teacher wouldn't let me out to the nurse, despite me at the time thinking I was having a heart attack, because she thought I was taking the piss. I ended up walking out, puking and nearly blacking out in the waiting room at the nurses office. When I had the tube in my chest to drain the air out, the person pushing my stretcher crashed me into another stretcher hauling the tube out of my chest. Got a massive infection and was in hospital for a week and a half. When I got back to my English class the teacher looked me dead in the eye as I walked in and said "Don't expect an apology." I fancied her so hard after that. Also have a Harry Potter-esqe forehead scar from falling out a tree as a child. I was out near one of the stables outside Peterhead, the people who found me put me in the only car there and sent two riders on horseback (I fucking swear this is true) to go to my house and tell my mum I was going to hospital. Also got a small gouge on my shin from a hockey incident... I think that's all of em... All the major ones anyway. xx
  6. Stroopy121


    What's red and smells like blue paint? Red Paint What's the best thing about having sex with twenty-four year olds? They're in their sexual prime. xx
  7. Isn't a swing without chains just a lump of rubber sitting under a metal frame? xx
  8. This post is the one that broke 1,000 rep points for me. Gotta love Slutbags. xx
  9. I caught them in glasgow just before Fred left and they were pretty good IMO... xx
  10. Bananas is an excellent one too IMO. It's worth having a hunt online for some of his short stories and stuff he's written too, some of them are brilliant. Remembering Needleman is actually an Allen short story that I stole the title of for a band name. Here you go, have a read. xx
  11. You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger I'm a Woody Allen fan anyway so I went in expecting good things and IMHO it delivered. Excellent movie. I see Bigsby's ( I think it was him) point about the movie trickling to an end, but I'd have to say I disagree. I think the ending was prety well suited to the theme of the movie in so much as there is no 'end' to the characters' stories... 9/10 True Grit Finally got around to seeing this. Loved it. Not quite as Cohen-brothersish as some of their work, felt a little less weird than they tend to do. Jeff Bridges' dialogue can become a bit muffled and tricky to pick up on from time to time but he acts the part superbly. A couple of minor pacing problems in it though around the middle IMO.. 7/10 Submarine As someone mentioned previously, 80's based coming-of-age drama (although it felt more like a comedy most of the way through) written and directed by Moss from the IT crowd (Richard Ayoade). The central character has a lot of Moss-like characteristics and a lot of the jokes have a Peep Show inspired cringe-comedy appeal. Some full on belly laughs scattered throughout as well as a fuck-tonne of funny dialogue but it again suffers with the pacing of it around the middle and towards the end. By the time the final 20 minutes of the movie rolled around it felt as though it should be over already... 8/10
  12. I once video'd a customer at my work talking out her arse and posted it on youtube. xx
  13. I once had a wank to a video of a deaf girl auditioning to be a porn star. xx
  14. I only heard of them through the Alkaline Trio split disc they did, fucking amazing band. xx
  15. but the brown people made schools change the words in bah bah black sheep to bah bah rainbow sheep!!!1111 xx
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