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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Yeah the vocals are far from perfect. The harmonies need a tweak and the whole thing needs a good once over in that respect. My singing is improving vastly but it's still far enough out to be the weakest point of it all IMO. What about the music to it? Dull? Interesting? Overdone? Personally I like the punk rock meets an almost country feel in Old Sac, was going for that Frank Turner-esque balance only without the acoustic guitar. And also, the drums in that track are done with reaper trigger and samples, is it obvious to hear or is it something you don't really notice until you're told? IMO they sound pretty good but the cymbals sound a little weak. I'm very happy with the lyrics and melodies (although they are sung rather poorly), especially to Punk By Numbers, but that's likely a slanted opinion... Any more opinions? xx
  2. Coldplay are a band I find fairly pleasant to listen to but it baffles me that a group of musicians would get together to write Coldplay songs. I just don't understand that kind of music being your goal because in my eyes it's ignorable background noise to have a conversation over... xx
  3. But Chris Martin single handedly brought fair trade into the mainstream.. xx
  4. to fix mine I had to go into the app via settings, clear all the data, restart phone and log back in to the app. xx
  5. Only type of milk I drink is 'breast'. Goats' if I can't get any of the good stuff. Cows are so mainstream. xx
  6. Lucky, is our game listed as my move, or your move, with you? My phone has it listed under the 'Your Move' (me to make the move) but when I go into the game it says it's Lucky Rathen to move... Fucking technology. xx
  8. HOW THE FUCK DID I FORGET GEORGE CARLIN?! Love the guy, one of my favourites! Try Sarah Kendall. I think she's awesome...
  9. Cafe 52, Beautiful Mountain and Musa also cater pretty well to veg*ns but I do agree that a solely veg restaurant/cafe would do pretty well. xx EDIT: Is being veg*n hipster now?
  10. The Room A little background on this film: Writer/Director/Star Tommy Wiseau raised 6m to make this movie out of his own pocket. He wrote, shot and starred in this movie which in it's entire run in the cinema made around 2,000. It is hailed as being the worst movie ever made. Y'know when someone says that something is "so bad that it's good" but they really mean that it's shite but you'll laugh at it once or twice? Not so with The Room. The Room is so endlessly awful that it is gut-wrenchingly hilarious from start to finish. The actors can't act, the script is terrible, the plot is awful, the scenery is horrendous, the metaphors are clumsy, the plotholes are unbleievable. This 'romantic drama' is so infinitely shit that it was remarketed as a black comedy and since then a cult following of people now go to viewings and chant along with the farcically long 'pan across scenery' shots, do laps around the aisles during the painfully long, uncomfortable sex scenes, correct the inaccurate dialogue and (the highlight for me) when a framed picture of a spoon appears in the background on the set. the list of 'memes' (for lack of a better term) surrounding this movie seems endless and it's an utter riot to watch, especially in a cinema full of people who know the 'memes' that go along with it.If you see this movie showing anywhere, go see it. It's a cinema experience unlike anything I've ever seen. Wiki for more info. 10/10 xx
  11. Mambos in Peterhead, yeah. They do a lot of cover bands but they do put on original lineups too. They have (or had, when I last played there which admittedly was a while back) absolutely no backline so you need all your own gear to play. Worth getting in touch with though as the place tends to fill up when there are bands on, usually a pretty good crown (surprisingly). xx
  12. Good: Louis CK, Bill Hicks, Chris Rock, Lewis Black, Jason Rouse (doesn't tell jokes as much as attempts to 'shock' the viewer but he does genuinely make me laugh - worth a look for the sick cunts), Jim Jeffries, Mitch Hedburg, Stephen Lynch, Tim Minchin (technically musician/comedians but I fucking love them) and a few others who were mentioned previously. Bad: Stephen K Amos, Andy Parsons, Chubby Brown, That other racist guy... can't remember his name.. did some TV hosting and shit after his standup career died, Dennis Leary (thieving cunt) and again a few others who have been mentioned previously Meh: Peter Kay (like him when I'm in the mood for his style, but that's not often), Lee Evans (same boat as Peter Kay, plus he's fucking hard work to watch), Robin Williams (hard work to watch IMO), Frankie Boyle (used to love him but now he just says 'cancer' until people laugh...) xx
  13. whether he's taking the piss or not, I think cool1 is possibly the best thing to happen to this forum since the 'speed. xx
  14. Stroopy121

    Your current read?

    Finally getting around to reading Lord of the Rings. A lot of friends have slated the books, common complaint is that while The Hobbit was a pretty easy read and was fairly quickly paced, the Fellowship et al were much slower paced and overly verbose making them much harder to get into. I've found this to be utter cock, I've slapped my friends who told me this and think the writing style is spectacular. It can be very verbose and seem to spend longer than you'd expect describing seemingly insignificant details but IMO that makes it even easier to lose yourself in. In parts it reads like a really long poem. Brilliant. xx
  15. An interesting book to read is 'Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks' by Christopher Brookmyre. It's basically about a world renowned TV physhic who tries to proove to the world that he's legit by signing up to have all his work monitored by top scientists to have them try to find out if it's a trick. A lot of research went in to it and a lot of interesting stuff is discussed (along the lines of what Chris said) so if you're interested then have a look! Plus, the book is hilarious and Brookmyre is the fucking MAN. Buy it here for a penny. xx
  16. I personally don't believe in reincarnation but I am however hugely interested in the psychological workings of these people who can 'remember past lives'. It's an absolutely fascinating thing to read into and if I remember I'll try to dig out some old articles I've stumble'd on and post them. Look forward to reading that article and watching the yootoob clips when I get home from work too. xx
  17. Pet Hate: You, America. FUCK YOU. xx
  18. I wish I could rep. That made my morning. xx
  19. I remember seeing an interview with Hawkins and the interviewer said something to the effect of "wasn't it all just a bit of fun?" and his reply was to the effect of "no, I took the darkness 100% seriously and people thinking it was a joke nearly killed me". I couldn't detect even the slightest trace of irony in his tone, infact he looked like he was about to start crying. Caught them opening T in the Park one year just as they were on the verge of 'breaking out' and thought they were fucking hilarious. xx
  20. I think you're probably right. But at the same time, if I were carrying a box of stuff - even if I were struggling with it - I don't think I'd feel comfortable passing it to a woman who was strong enough to carry it, or accepting help carrying it from a woman. Maybe that's just me and my inferiority complex, just wondered if it's as common as I'd have thought...? I also remember watching some god-awful daytime tv show once upon a time and there was a guy on it who wrote a book about how men can look successful/in control - or something to the effect. Basically a list of things men shouldn't do because it makes them look silly. One of them was you should never run in a suit, because wearing a suit implies you are in control - you're meant to be the fucking MAN - but if you're running it shows you either have shitty timekeeping skills and/or you're scared of the consequences of being late for something; ergo you're not the man at all, you're somebody's bitch and whomever you're running to meet is, in fact, the MAN. Reason I'm rambling about that shit is because the only other example from this book I remember they mentioned was that you shouldn't be a passenger in a car driven by a woman... They called him on that on the show and he basically stuck to his guns saying that it makes you look like a tool because you're the MAN and you should be in control. I think it was GMTV it was on, anyone remember? And does anyone have an opinion on being chauffeured by their better half? xx
  21. Take note though, the girl in question today that sparked the enquiry is a bit of a hound... if that has any bearing? xx
  22. I think you misunderstood. I meant it's one inch shorter than the national average height. It's quite a problem, actually. xx
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