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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. In my office just now I noticed a guy carrying in a box of stuff (folders of documentation it looked like) for one of the girls. Just for a little perspective, the girl works in Document Control and the guy is an Engineer, so the paperwork is in no way his responsibility, it's her job to organise and file it all. My question is this: is it sexist for him to carry the box of stuff for her? I understand that if she were a frail old lady then you'd obvoiusly help her carry stuff, just like I'd help a frail old man carry something that looked heavy or cumbersome. By the same token, if it were a scrawny, tiny little woman - or a tiny little man - who was obviously struggling with the box then again it's common decency to help them out. If it's a two-man (or woman) job to carry something, offering to help is once again just common decency. But would you say it's sexist to automatically want to carry something for a girl who can pretty clearly carry it herself? I can't decide if I think it's an Alpha Male tendancy, men wanting to carry the heaviest thing to feel like the manliest man, or if i think it's a man pitying the poor little woman who shouldn't be doing the man-job of carrying shit because women should be cleaning the stuff that men flex their muscles carrying. Or maybe it's neither of those two and it's a subconscious sexual thing - the guy just wants to be nice to the girl because guys are nice to girls because guys fancy girls... xx xx
  2. My dick is only 1 inch less than the national average and I never hear the end of it. xx
  3. The correct term is 'Dwarf'. Racist. xx
  4. You're both wrong. If you follow all of the Saw movies through the plot is absolutely brilliant - although granted the violence does verge on becoming a live action Itchy and Scratchy cartoon towards the end. xx
  5. "that tsunome that place in japan,someone told me playback for pearl harbor" Just... Wow. xx
  6. The wife has made a giant pot of sweet potato and chorizo soup and frozen it for me to have for lunch this week. Unfuckingbelievable how delicious this is. xx
  7. We've got one acoustic and one full band demo up on soundcloud here if y'all could give them a listen and post some feedback it'd be appreciated. Be gentle xx
  8. You bastards. I've had 'Murder Most Foul' stuck in my head for days. Tune. xx
  9. Where can I buy either an Ipod FEMALE to 3.5mm jack adapter cable, or an Ipod docking station extender (Ipod female to Ipod male) cable in town? I need to plug a non-ipod (3.5mm) jack audio source into my Ipod only docking station and I want the capability tomorrow so I want to avoid buying online if I can. I can either buy an extender cable like this and splice a 3.5mm connector on, or an adapter like this. Any help? xx
  10. Ah ok, was who I was thinking of but I was sure that was a different two letter achronym. DS or something. /coolstory How would one go about 'getting in' with them anyway? Plough King Tut's with demos until you land a gig, wow them and make friends? xx
  11. Whatever happened to you being "less of a grumpy cow?" xx
  12. What he said; the shot is ace, but it does very much convey a genre-based image. xx
  13. from that shot I'd assume they are some kind of indie, art rock outfit.. I'd go out of my way not to listen on the assumption that they play a genre of music I'm not keen on at all.. Book by the cover and all that - but I think as shitty as it is you do judge a band by it's name and it's promo photo's and so on if you see those before having heard the music. I wish that weren't the case, but it is. xx
  14. I think a few guys will possibly prey on girls with braces in the hope their self-esteem has taken a beating making them easier. Just a theory, mind. xx
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