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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. The Edukators German drama about a trio of young activists who break into the homes of Berlin's ultra-wealthy with the intention of moving their furniture around, messing with their possesions, generally leaving them feeling violated in an attempt to bring down their greed-driven capitalist way of life. Not hugely dissimilar to SLC Punk in it's theme/characters (although the stories are worlds apart). Brilliant acting, believable characters and the story is absolutely spectacular. 9/10 Watch again? Yes. xx
  2. In the fucking kitchen making me some pancakes? xx Sorry.
  3. That's just sad.. I'd have thought that the homosexual community would be sticking together, but it's entirely possible that with homosexuality becoming so socially acceptable that's its just back to the way it was before with the 'normal' people making fun of the 'freaks' - only the definition of 'normal' is a little borader. xx
  4. I remember you mentioning gold star lesbians before, is there resentment in the lesbian community among gold star vs. silver star lesbians etc as well? xx
  5. A Single Man The story of a man's last day on earth as he plans to commit suicide that night. He goes to work, interacts with his colleagues and friends and so on, while the movie periodically flashes back to the points in time driving him to suicide. Brilliant movie, great dialogue, Colin Firth is a spectacular lead in it. The direction comes across a little ham-fistedly in parts in my humble opinion, too many 'arty' close ups and attempts to make a subtle point but then ram it down your throat to make sure you don't miss it.. Overall though, a masterpiece IMO. 8.5/10. Watch again? Yes. xx
  6. I think the high-level classification is a handy way to cull lost causes quickly, especially when dating. For example, I am a male who is exclusively interested in sexual relationships with women - so I can write off anyone who has a penis or is a lesbian. I think the high-level label is useful but only to that extent. Even a group as comparatively bland as 'heterosexual' can be sub divided into a seemingly endless list of sub-categories, BDSM (dom and/or sub), foot fetishist, scat fetishist, straight man who enjoys women bumming him with toys... it could go on and on - but gay/straight/bi/trans/pan/queer is a handy starting point... xx
  7. So pansexual equates to 'All of the above' and genderqueer is 'None of the above', basically? xx
  8. No idea what a 'pansexual' is or a 'genderqueer'... anyone care to enlighten me? I don't fancy googling this on the work's computer. xx
  9. The 'pissers gonna piss' is dumb, but the picture still made me laugh. So taste me. xx
  10. Previously on Aberdeen-Music: Fatboy recorded audio of a customer and posted it on youtube. Some users here commented asking about the legality of it as she disclosed personal information like her mobile number. He lost his job over it when his employer found out. xx
  11. I'd go with option 2, but it'd be massively preferable to know when it's coming - otherwise you may end up in some bad sitcom situation spontaneously doubling up in agony during a presentation to your boss etc.. shitty situation but it'd preferable as it's only once per day rather than all the time. the elbowing would probably mean you never got a decent night's sleep either... xx
  12. can you pick the time of day you feel the knife pain? is it the same time each day or is it random? xx
  13. ...I can't make out if that means you like it or not...? xx
  14. Really? You're really shocked that your employer got angry at you not only publicly humiliating a customer and publishing her personal information but also using the company's name in the video title? xx EDIT: I don't mean to be a dick and I wish you all the best in the job hunt and all, but surely you can't be surprised...?
  15. since when did teh interwebz have a conscience? xx
  16. Stroopy121


    What's the saddest thing about 4 black guys going over a cliff in a Cadillac? They were my friends...
  17. Mr Owl looked up my skirt once. xx
  18. Saw this and thought of this site. xx
  19. I had one that I made by splicing a USB cable and a samsung charger together.. will have a hunt and see if I can find it. xx
  20. 1. Thailand 2. Japan 3. Australia or New Zealand (I'd need to find out the difference between the two before I could make an informed decision as to which I'd rather visit) xx
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