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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. The trailers make this look like the biggest bag of shit in history. I shall watch it, but if it's awful, you shall pay. xx
  2. I got banned from the West End bar in Peterhead for swearing too much. True story. Got banned from the palace for stealing a toilet seat and a door handle. I thought it was funny at the time. xx
  3. If you believe in creationism - the chicken came first. God created chickens. If you believe in evolution, then a wierd mutant fish laid an egg, which hatched a wierd fish-chicken, which laid an egg, which hatched a chicken. So the egg came first. And since creationists are fucking idiots, the egg came first. xx
  4. Those sound awesome! How exactly did you make those? I'm completely green when it comes to these things and can't find a decent retards guide for the life of me! xx
  5. Thankies. And to think this site has a reputation as being full of elitist pricks. Y'all are a lovely bunch really! xx
  6. What are Iain from Bedford Records' recording rates? xx
  7. Every Festival except T = Good times had by all T in the Park = Good times ruined by drug addled neds raping and killing everything I'll take cambridge folk fest, ta. That or Leeds. I fucking love Leeds fest. xx
  8. Well she has a pretty decent CV, but there are a few jobs going in hospitality and in retail. A lot of managerial type jobs. Her job is 'team leader' at a cafe/restaurant. xx
  9. but then could you ever trust anyone again after watching some guy wear her like a hockey mask while someone else jizzes in her hair? xx
  10. See that's what makes the choice the opposite for me. What I don't see can't give me nightmares... She's getting to fuck anyway, I'd rather be told they've fucked than have to see it. xx
  11. I see your point. It doesn't have to be months though, it could be that they've fucked 3 or 4 times that day, you just broke it up before number 5.....? xx
  12. Here's a twist on the dilemma: Option 1; you walk in on your partner kissing someone else but there is nothing sexual going on, however it transpires that they have been having sex behind your back for a while*. Option 2; you walk in on the most graphic, depraved sex scene you can imagine but it's the first and only time your partner has cheated on you. Discuss? xx *EDIT; it can be anything from a day or two with lots of fucking to a few months, you decide.
  13. That's three posts in a row of yours I've wanted to rep. Damn communist rep system. xx
  14. Ahhh.. In that case it's a somewhat grey area with me... I'm the jealous type, if my friend were to entirely accidentally catch a glimpse of my wife getting changed I'd go postal and break his arms... So the option I'd pick would depend on how traumatic it'd be for the wife. If he feels her arse and she shrugs it off but I lose my shit and cut off his thumbs does it still count? xx
  15. After a big debacle at my wife's work resulting in her being sacked (although technically she handed in her notice and was asked not to work it, but her boss is being a cock and is trying to now refuse to pay her for the month's notice..) she has landed herself a new job inside a week. It's reassuring to know that not everyone is so pathetically hopeless at job hunting as I am. xx
  16. Well excuse me for getting into the spirit of the discussion. IMO a slap on the arse isn't that big a deal, the Mrs could take that. You said that the definition of sexual assault whatever it would take to make me not want to talk to the friend in question any more. I wouldn't mind him feeling up my property but if he were to rape it I'd lost my fucking shit over it! xx
  17. Does the friend who rapes your Mrs have a girlfriend/sister/mum/daughter who is hot enough to justify a revenge rape? xx
  18. Wasn't that a radio station in one of the GTA games? xx
  19. you can buy cds on the internets now?! xx
  20. Little oranges. Fuck big oranges though, they have too many seeds and are cunts to peel. Fuck big oranges. Little oranges are my friends. And cherries. Cherries are amazing. xx
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