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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I did. Am I not fucking good enough for your wierd rapey question game, eh? xx
  2. Option two, followed by triple homocide and suicide. This game is fun. xx
  3. Personally, they make me chuckle. That said, I have the same shitty sense of humour as Jake. xx EDIT: Actually, in relation to the facebook discussion; I went through a phase up updating my status to "is shitting" every time I went to the toilet, in the hopes that I'd annoy the people on my feed who post about buying new jackets half as much as they annoy me. EDIT2: The facebook discussion is in a different thread, isn't it? I'm so confused.
  4. You should start writing a blog, or a twitter thingy... xx
  5. Eating out avoiding meat (boom!) is a lot easier than trying to avoid eggs and cheese (boom boom!) Meat-free fo' sho' xx
  6. shame really, it was fun while it lasted. Alas. Back to trolling the rest of the site for setups. xx
  7. Pet Hate: When you wipe your ass til it's red raw but still get an itchy sphincter later on! xx
  8. Yeah but it's only really feasibile to add diversification like that when you just start to notice or forsee a decline in sales. When it's reaced the point where staff are getting laid off, an expenditure like that on the necessary refurb and so on would bankrupt them.. xx
  9. Yeah I bet it'd cremate a pretty hefty cash flow but it's too big a task for me to undertake just now xx
  10. Much rather someone local took it over than some big corpseoration. xx
  11. Not including the couple in The Academy; TK's, Rev, Slains, Priory, Siberia, Wild Boar, Drummonds... Did I miss anywhere? xx EDIT: There's also The Belmont (I think that's what it's called - the place opposite Drummonds down the stairs?)
  12. Turn into a combined pizza place / chinese buffet / games arcade / cinema / rollercoaster / night club. That or an extreme sports centre. xx
  13. So I've decided to try a new approach for the sake of a demo. I'm gonna write up a drum part in Guitar Pro, export it as a MIDI into Reaper, trigger it using as 'real' sounding drums as I can find and then record guitar bass and vocals over this. My question: I've never tried MIDI triggering before; what software do I need other than just GP and reaper? I'm reading bits and pieces about VSTs, no idea what these are and while I intend to do some proper homework on it after work today I'm hoping someone can give me a bit on an idiots guide to what a VST is and how to plonk a MIDI track into reaper and apply a VST to it.. Also, I'll probably (?) have to play with cymbal sounds to get the ringing out and so on sounding as natural as possible.. Is this one of those 'not for a n00b' tasks or should it be fairly doable with a bit of time and perseverance? Finally, with live guitars, bass and vocals recorded over this triggered MIDI drum track; how 'real' sounding a demo do you think is feasible? On a scale of 1-10 say, with 10 being indistinguishable from a real live recording and 1 being a normal MIDI track. xx
  14. This fucking cold. It's nowhere near flu territory, just a constantly blocked nose and a cunt of a sore head! Fuck the cold. Fuck it hard. Plus I think I've broken my foot. Went to the gym for a run on friday and haven't been able to walk on it since. xx
  15. Yeah but women are fucking nuts and don't respond to logic at all though. Something to do with the moon or something? xx
  16. Yeah I see waht you mean, buying your mate a drink because you're feeling generous doesn't mean you're acting the big man, it could just be being nice and more often than not, it is. BUT, the convention that the man should always pay for his woman is what I mean is sexist. xx
  17. I'm the same.. "don't worry sweetheart, it's my treat.." every time we eat out, all that shit. It's basically just pathetic egotistical crap. Big strong man wants to take care of his delicate little woman. Fact is though I suppose, some women are delicate and fragile and want to be treated as such. The point to all this is that all these conventions have a time and a place and should be assessed on a person by person basis. xx
  18. How do you know they're chinese as opposed to, say, korean? Racist. xx
  19. Furthermore: I think the argument that 'women are weak and men should protect them, not hit them' is fucking flawed and is as sexist as any other behavious mentioned so far ITT. Friend of mine goes to MMA training and the women in the classes send him home black and blue and bleeding just about every week. It's just not as black and white as some people make it out to be and the fact is that old fashioned attitues are very sexist, including chivalry. xx
  20. I hit a woman once. She slapped me in a bar (fucking hard I might add) for no reason other than she thought she'd get away with it. Slapped her straight back (I was drunk, I can't say I'd be likely to do the same sober) and she stormed off. Might be worth adding that I knew the girl, an ex of a friend, and that I'd never have punched her or hit her any more severely that the slap I gave her. Blanket 'rules' on this shit just don't work. xx
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