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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Multitasking = failed sequencing. xx
  2. Last time I was in studio I was having a shit day of it recording vocals, kept putting blips in here and there - one line in particular I just couldn't hit a certain couple of notes. Rather than waste hours of studio time I just got the autotune treatment and smoothed out the wrinkles and I don't see any harm in it. That said, I do feel like I copped out and in retrospect I'd rather I stuck with it and got it right. It takes something away from the sense of achievement IMO. All in all it's a handy wee ace in the hole to pull out when you're tight for time, but it's far from idea.. xx
  3. Barefoot. After a few days your feet would be badass as fuck and you'd barely notice. xx
  4. I do like going with this approach where I can but if I keep fucking the same section I'll tend to just keep doing that line/verse/whatever until I nail it. Maybe even do a couple of full takes afterwards too and then see what's best. Basically I just do everything a thousand times and take the best of it all if I can, but it's a time consuming process and if you're paying per hour then I prefer to just do one or two takes, punch in and fix any glaring errors and if we get through all the material that we hoped to get done then go back and tweak some of the more minor errors. xx
  5. I tend to give it a bash once or twice start to finish to identify the problem areas (sometimes there are more than others) then jsut go back and clean them up. That or do a few different takes of the song start to finish and take the best sections as the final track. I tend to find that even if my lyrics tell a story it's fairly easy to get into the swing of it picking up half way through, although sometimes it will take a few tries to get it sounding how I want. xx
  6. Absolutely in sections. Retake a whole song because of one botched lyric or wrong note? No chance! I don't think I've ever sang a whole song without putting a note out of place in my life! xx
  7. I fucking love pooping. I wish I could have my desk in one of the shitter cubicles and spend my working day naked from the waist down. xx
  8. I fly commando, does this offer extend to new trousers? Also (at the risk of getting to deep into the technical aspect of this one) is what causes you to shit yourself a recognised medical issue? I.e. if I were to take 10 toilet breaks a day, could I tell my boss that it's because every time I need to fart I legitimately need to excuse myself, or would he think I'm just coming the cunt? xx
  9. Well NOFX are very succesful and make comfortable livings with music (google them..) and last I knew the Casualties were in the same position. It's worth pointing out that they are both American, not in any way local, just examples that sprung to mind of bands that fit the description. Both bands started out with day jobs in burger bars etc which they'd leave for tours, come back and get a new disposable job, save up and tour again. I'd have done the same before but now I have a career rather than a shitty work a day job, as well as a wife, so the rules have changed for me. xx
  10. It's ok sweetheart, you can't be expected to keep up with us men. I'm sorry. xx
  11. Ahhh, so being LADS then. Sound like a pair of wankers but I can't say I follow football enough to have a real opinion on them. I don't know who Louise Redknapp is either. /ignorant. xx
  12. For the sake of my ignorance: the Andy Gray scandal is just a football pundit saying to his colleage "of course she doesn't know the offside rule; she's a woman!", or words to that effect, off the air and it got leaked, right? xx
  13. My wife said the same thing to me once... xx
  14. This. This is a point I was trying to make. Only you made it much better than I did. xx
  15. Tbh I think the article was largely spot on. Men calling women they don't know 'sweetheart' and the like gets on my nerves because it's really condescending. As does men ogling women and shouting shit like 'get yer tits oot!!!', it's out of line and inexcusable (although I think that the women who DO get their tits oot at such requests are more at fault for this shit continuing to happen than the idiots shouting are). That said, this woman claims that using the expression 'the money shot' when discussing the key point of a business strategy is a sexist term. Because of this; she has lost my respect and my interest. I make inappropriate, sexist comments to my friends and loved ones whom I feel safe around in the knowledge that they know I'm as open minded and liberal as anyone (I also act like a total dick on the internet, who doesn't?) If sexist remarks are made among friends, in private, or or otherwise out of the public eye; frankly, who the fuck cares? It was meant to be a private conversation. If someone looked in my window at home and saw me wanking I wouldn't expect a fine for indecent exposure. I get that a lot of men have attitudes towards women that need to be addressed, but a lot of people have the same (and worse) opinions of gays and anyone of a different ethnicity and no amount of articles in the guardian will change the minds of these fucktard cretins. Having said that, I still believe that anyone on the recieving end of such racism or sexism has every right to put as many articles in as many public forums as they can (within reason) xx
  16. You obviously just don't understand, they are quirky and fun because that's what today's youth want! xx
  17. Option C, murder Corden. If that answer is disallowed then I could happily live without TV. xx
  18. You don't care how they look unless they look like pretentious hipster dickholes? xx
  19. The Moorings stands out in that list IMHO because it's the only place on the list I'd consider going for a pint, regardless whether there was a gig on or not. I'd happily go to any of the others but only if there was something on which I wanted to make the effort to go to. I also trust the Moorings enough to turn up randomly on a weekend and not grudge my 2 or 3 entry on a random band because I've never been to a night where there have been shit bands on. Now and again there's one shitter on with 3 other ace bands on, or very rarely 2 and 2 is as bad as I've ever seen it, but that's personal taste I suppose... xx
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