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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Your question should be in bold. But to answer it, I really don't think you're strong enough, no. xx
  2. How the fuck would one even try to eat that without losing teeth? xx
  3. Yeah surely you can't be that upset about someone doing the underpants charleston unless you're not getting any yourself? xx
  4. Wondering about stuff appears to be mostly rhetorical questions... xx
  5. Good timing on the decision not to drudge it up on the internet... xx
  6. QFT, he ain't lion. Though it's not exactly a catastrophic error to make. xx
  7. Please PLEASE tell me there is a video of this somewhere? The tantrum bit specifically... xx
  8. I've had a few encounters with cops and a couple of my mates are actually cops too. Some of them are complete and utter dickheads who abuse their power, although the overwhelming majority (in my experience) are really decent guys. My problem is this: If there was a poll taken of, say, 1,000 teachers and one of them fucked their students; their would be an outcry (rightly so) demanding an explanation as to how this wierdo got past the screening process and was allowed to teach kids. I think it should be the same with cops - they are employed to enforce the law, the screening process for applicants should be pretty fucking thorough to ensure that a bare minimum of these complete dickholes are allowed to police our streets. I understand that if I were a cop and I, say, were flashed by a speed camera, or got lifted for punching out some drunken wanker, I'd expect my cop mates to get me out of the shit. It's human nature to use this shit to your advantage. That said, I think the handful of examples you hear about officers flat out abusing their power are not dealt with severely enough and that a much bigger deal needs to be made of it before it snowballs. xx
  9. This appeared in the gallery just now, fucking genius! xx
  10. The barrymore one is a stoater! xx
  11. I use guitar pro for that stuff, but beyond using the MIDI function (or the 'real sound effects' which sound pretty shit) but I've never actually experimented wth using other programs to trigger the drum tracks and make a decent sounding demo with it. I think this could be a project for the coming weeks! xx
  12. I can't think of a single reason why letting the people we deem 'unsafe' to be a part of our society help decide who is in charge of said society is anything other than a horrendously stupid fucking idea. xx
  13. Best.Description.Ever. Whatever I have repped you for in the past that has meant I cannot rep this post now feels like a horrendous waste. Someone rep the man, please? xx
  14. He plays drums? I thought him having opposable thumbs ruled that out?? xx
  15. It's an absolute crime how many of those pictures are just broken links now but fuck me this thread has me in tears at my desk. So fucking long, day's work! xx
  16. Too wierd was what I was shooting for. xx
  17. One of the boxes should contain poisonous snakes. Or a bomb. xx
  18. What's the story behind this, what I can only describe as, meme? I've seen that guy majestically photoshopped into a fucktonne of pics on the site, who is he and what started the it all off? Also: Is there a negative rep equivalent of getting a star? Or if you get that much -rep is it just a ban or something dull like that? xx
  19. *sticks fingers in ears* LAAALALALALLALALALALA! In that case I revert to all the other gloriously valid reasons posted before me to hate the shit out of it. Plus Edmonds looks like a slightly rapey-er Richard Branson IMO and I hate that cunt too. xx
  20. Fuck sake, must spread. Excellent work though. xx
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