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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. What I hate about is that the contestants are all people who can afford to take a few weeks off work to stand around and chat to mr blobby's fucking sidekick, all the while their dole payments are rolling the fuck in. No different from the guys buying lottery tickets or spending all day betting the horses. Get a fucking job you slack arsed cunts! xx EDIT: if they did what Adam suggest, I'd probably watch it. I have slightly more respect for people who win skill games.
  2. Why thank you. I must confess I am somewhat proud of that reply. Hopefully it's a mental image repulsive enough to repeat on Paranoid Andriod tomorow at the least apprepriate moment. xx I reek of desperation, but damn it all I want a star.
  3. o_O But how do you 'keep in touch' with your great aunties that you don't like? xx
  4. Was hoping to get a star by 500 posts. I have failed. Now when I look to the night sky and see the stars, infinite in both number and in beauty, I will not look to the future with hope as I once did, but be reminded of my failures as a contributor. xx
  5. I hope the next time she looks you in the eye all you can picture is one eye being black and blue and the other having a jizzy turd heading it's way.... xx
  6. And then fuck her xx EDIT: Shitting optional. (I would have repped that comment, but must spread)
  7. Isn't that the brazillian dance-fighting? xx
  8. One of those was the first thing I though of. xx
  9. Wednesday is 'student night' these days isn't it? xx
  10. Whole rant is spot on, but especially this part. Whilst despising this for the same reasons you listed, I also fucking loathe people saying this because everyone - without exception - is an horrendous shithead whilst drunk. If you're not being a shithead, then you're still too sober to be classed as "drunk [person]". The only time someone who is actually drunk is not being an insufferable fucking wanker is when you're close to as drunk as they are; at which point, you are also an insufferable fucking wanker and your opinion is invalid. xx
  11. Oh yeah, I'll have some sorbet between dishes to cleanse my palette and will taste a couple of pizza huit and dominoes dips first and rate them to calibrate my scale. None of this half arsed, have a taste and spit out a number bollocks for me. I'm going to science the shit out of these dips and turds! xx
  12. I must try this dip. And maybe a cat turd too... xx
  13. Well I'm glad I could bring back the memories of such a happy time in your life. xx
  14. Where would you expect, say, a cat turd to land on this scale, just to give -1,000,000 some context? xx
  15. I overheard a colleague talk of Papa John's when it newly opened and swore blind that the dip was amazing. Either he's one of these cunts who claims he's eaten in every restaurant in town to try to sound cultured and one-up everyone - you know the type, if you tell him you had a lovely *thing* from *place* he'll tell you they're shit, try having the *thing* at *other place*, it's so much nicer, trust me, I'd know, I've had every *thing* in town! Cunt. - ...OR, the dip is just one of those marmite type affairs? I tapped into quite a little well of resentment there. xx
  16. You're meant to trim your nails first, if you've got enough of a fingernail to get shit under there then you're gonna hurt yourself! xx
  17. So, do Ascension get voted 'Worst Band' ironically... or do people actually hate them? Persoanlly, I fucking love them... *runs for cover* xx
  18. No idea the album but the girl has the worst case of camel toe in the known universe... xx
  19. Burning my mouth on my coffee because i'm too fucking impatient to let it cool down Writing songs where the guitar sounds awesome capo'd but this putting the song into a key I don't have the range to sing Not being able to use graffiti goggles at work xx
  20. I don't give a fuck if I've posted this already, stumbleupon brought it to me again and it fucking ended me, again. xx
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