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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. It's you're. Those fuckers need to get their shit together. xx
  2. Just like chatroulette xx
  3. Glad someone spotted it. Lately, I've felt like my efforts have been wasted. xx
  4. Really? That's pretty ace-ic too actually. I like these services that are actually based on planet earth and that work in real life. xx
  5. Well then, fuck you. The doctor must've knew you'd struggle to make a living if you couldn't get on your knees, so took pity. I'm aware that joke can be thrown right back at me about my wife being on her back, but I frankly just don't care. Seriously though, for every story about the NHS being balls there does seem to be one about them being awesome. Is the problem with your knees a long standing one? That might have had an effect on your treatment...? xx
  6. NHS is a wierd one for me. The mental health related waiting lists are frightening - but then again if there aren't enough therapists there aren't enough therapists... Also, my wife suffered a herniated disc a year or so back and the NHS were less than useless. They put her on stupid amounts of painkillers to try to shut her up and move her on and she was told the waiting list to get a scan, some physiotherapy and some actual treatment was in the order of 6 months. We decided to go private with it and saw another doctor, first thing he suggested a good, local physio who saw her that week (within a day or two if memory serves) and she was leaps and bounds better. About 3 sessions later (around two weeks) she was right as rain. That said; when my lung collapsed and on the numberous other injuries I've sustained the NHS have been absolutely excellent! I suppose it just comes down to demand. If you need long term treatments, you're one of millions, take a ticket and join the queue. If you break your leg, or something that needs fixed immediately, they fix it. All things considered though I'm glad the NHS are there! xx
  7. Mars b...... nevermind. xx
  8. Being at work is fairly shit, being stuck on IE and all. Any chance if you find / draw some excellent graffiti somewhere, you could screenshot and post it, (either here or in the LOL pix thread) brighten my day a little..... Pretty pleeeease xx
  9. unofficial reinstatement of thread tags, anyone? xx
  10. Add enough of them to your soup it turns the water into pure stodge, fucking ace. You need some real food in there too for taste though. xx
  11. +salt, pepper and a fuckload of chilis. xx
  12. Seems a little souperfluous... xx
  13. When I got my prince albert, it was during the 6 nations a few years ago. Ignoring the piercers advice, I ended up having a few pints watching the rugby and getting fairly well oiled and showing all the guys I was drinking with my new dick bling. Veteran piercing / tattoo folks will know that drinking thins the blood and can cause these things to bleed, especially when they are fresh. So here I am in the middle of Filthy McNasty's, whipped out my cock and as I pulled the foreskin back to show it off in all it's glory, blood (almost)literally pissed out all over the table, into someones pint and all down myself. I did not feel like a man. xx
  14. Fuck that, I love the taste. It just feels like warm lube when you're inside. xx
  15. I did have cherry pie in the list, but at the last minute decided to put cherry kiss instead. Too many euphemisms to choose from, sadly. xx
  16. Yeah, fuck stones. Fuck any fruit that has stones. I always put a bowl or something about 5 or 6 feet away and try to spit the stones into it. End up with spit and stones all over the flat because I'm completely fucking useless. xx
  17. A valiant effort, good sir. I see your blueberries and raise you some delicious cherries. Ace-ic: anything cherry related. Cherry coke, cherry tango, cherry ice cream, cherry kisses.... xx
  18. Is the picture for the benefit of anyone unfamiliar with the humble blueberry? Or just to help remind fellow blueberry enthusiasts of their goodness? xx
  19. Plus she ripped off Tony Stark's superhero identity... xx
  20. Quick and simple reply, I like it. Thanks. Would rep but must spread. xx
  21. If one were to name a band after a poem or a short story title would this be a copyright infringement? Ignoring how unlikely it is for anyone in a position to sue for copyright infringement ever hearing of us, naturally, I'm considering naming my new band "Remembering Needleman" after the Woody Allen short story and I'm curious to whether it's technically legal to do so or not. xx
  22. Tad easier than 900 out of pocket 'cause some tinky cunt stole your gear though. Safe > Sorry. xx
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