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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. This gives me an idea... __________________ Winner of Aberdeen Music's "Sexiest Contributor" Award 2010.
  2. Try to organise sharing a lift with someone who lives near you? I had to do the same for a few days while my car was out of action... xx
  3. Have Mario carrying it on a string like a balloon. A Boolloon, if you will. /idea. xx
  4. End of the day I suppose as much as a promoter would want as many of the queen's pounds in his pocket come closing time, they should also want to make sure that the bands leave happy, because that means they'll be far more likely to play future shows if offered. If a gig is turning a loss then it's by no means unfair to expect every spectator in the place to have thrown their fair share into the pot but if a gig is covering all it's costs and ticking over nicely then it'll do good things for a promoters rep if bands are saying nice things about them - just like Ross at AGP mentioned above. Aberdeen is a fairly small city (or a big village, depending on how cynical you want to be) after all and a positive rep will go a long way... xx
  5. 3 is standard for all-local-band-lineups in my experience... Most nights at tunnels and drummonds seem to be around that mark anyway, unless there are touring bands involved. The Moorings is only 3 too, right? xx
  6. I'd love to be able to say I'd do the same thing and hand them in, but a MASSIVE part of me would want to ebay the shit out of those bad boys! /horriblecunt xx
  7. Is there any way of knowing what the most repped post there ever was on the site? I just think it'd be a cool thing to know... xx
  8. My guess is that it's to draw attention away from the fact that some of the peasants have more rep than some of the mods. To a new user or stranger to the site that may look slightly odd. /detective xx
  9. Most repworthy IMO but I'm afraid I must spread. xx
  10. That sounds dangerously like racial profiling to me. I think a survey should be sent out to the entirity of the British Pakistani contingent as to their buttery preferences so the issue can be handled on a case by case basis, rather than generalising in such a potentially offensive way. For shame! xx
  11. What the fuck are 'signs of alcohol' anyway? Empty bottles? That's a 'sign' of fuck all, that is 'alcohol'. Or was there a half eaten kebab and a pile of random flyers for utter shite that sounded awesome at the time? xx
  12. I find the shower rape scene pretty tough to watch too. Excellent film though, anyone who hasn't seen it needs to stop what they are doing and go buy it. xx
  13. I would, but don't know who Phil is.... xx
  14. Agreed, 100%, wine being corked is a whole different ball game from not liking the wine because of the taste - but as discussed below: if you ask for a bottle of the house wine for example and refuse itas you don't like it, if the restaurant sell that wine by the glass they will probably sell it on that way, however if yuo ask for a top end bottle, they will still bill you for it. BUT the key difference here is that to let you taste a wine they need to open the bottle and cannot resell it. That's not he case with ale obviously and there is therefore nothing stopping a customer requesting a sample to judge it by taste. QFT, couldn't agree more. Once again, couldn't agree more. I have all the respect in the world for a good, knowledgable barman and I tip pretty generously when I'm served by one. Fact is though I usually get served by a student who's working part time to pay their way through uni. I can't say I think bar work should be specifically reserved for 'good bar workers' as I don't think there are nearly enough people who would be passionate enough to do so. Then again, if bar work was treated as a skilled trade (as waiting is in France for example) then the wages would be better and the booze snobs like myself would be more willing to work behind a bar for a living - the only reason I stopped was because of the money. I respect students who work their way through uni, but if that's the case and you don't have a particularly extensive knowledge of the products at hand then you should be willing to allow customers a taste instead. xx
  15. No, they're there to provide a service. It's the same idea as a waiter in a restaurant should ask you if you're ready to order, would you like more drinks? etc... rather than them waiting for you to ask for them. It's more of a grey area though. And it hugely depends on how busy the bar is etc, if the place is hoaching with one or two staff on then obviously priority #1 is get all the drinks out and it takes a total wanker to fuck around with stupid drinks orders at that point, IMHO. xx
  16. To me it's on a par with tasting a wine to see if it's corked before you're served it. If I'm in a bar where the barman can offer me a decent description of the ales then I'll go by his word and order a pint of what he (or she, sorry ladies) recommends. If, however they barperson is an ignorant fuckwit who doesn't know an IPA from a stout, then I'll give it a taste and see what tickles my fancy. You'd be stunned how often I've asked for 'whichever of the guest ales is the darkest' and been given a blank stare in return like a dog that's just been shown a card trick... xx
  17. No, it's non-linear as dBs are logarithmic units. So it's something along the lines of 1 = 100dB, 2 = 103dB, 3 = 104dB, 4 = 106dB.... xx EDIT: Link Level increase ? L for n equal loud sound sources n Change in dB 1 0 2 3.0 3 4.8 4 6.0 5 7.0 6 7.8 7 8.5 8 9.0 9 9.5 10 10.0 12 10.8 16 12.0 20 13.0
  18. I'm pretty sure it's 3dB for two sound sources and it gets progressively more as you add more sources, but I may be mistaken... Am I mistaken...?
  19. No. As short an answer as I can coherently manage is: If you have two sound sources of equal volume, say 100dB, then the total will be 3dB higher so 103dB. If you add two sound sources together the output volume can never be more than 3dB more than the volume of the loudest of the two input volumes. That help? xx
  20. Staying with the asian food theme, Wok Wok so some gluten free type stuff, amazing food too! Not sure about dairy free but it can't hurt to give them a call and ask xx
  21. I agree that there are a massive number of complete bellends who work in oil in aberdeen, but tarring everyone with the same brush isn't cool. That's how the guys at Top Gear upset the Mexicans. They were so offended at this kind of stereotyping that they all woke up and fell out of their hammocks! xx
  22. Yeah, I lost a bar bet with my 'oil industry' mates while we were shitting in the pockets of the pool table and punching women. It's a long story. xx
  23. Yeah but her's is almost facing her though: It needs to be at an angle but that's fairly severe... xx
  24. ....and the assumption that anyone associated with the oil industry will always act like a cunt in bars. xx
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