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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Watching a documentary about a medical condition and convincing yourself you that you definitely have every single one of the symptoms. xx
  2. Pretty fucking good man! Not the kinda stuff I'd picture you doing - has an early Gaslight Anthem vibe, pretty tidy! xx
  3. When I was last in they had a stunning selection. GBOL. xx
  4. Do Captain Tom's or MV sell 1/4" stereo patch leads? I need one tonight but I won't be in town until after the shops are shut so I need to work out if I need to make a dash into II or RnB at lunch time! xx
  5. Oooft! She's affa bonnie! What's the name of that colour?! xx
  6. Monday morning small talk can fuck right the fuck off. "How was your weekend?" "Not to bad, yours?" "Yeah, was alright. I did 9,000 separate and distinct things that I'm now going to talk you through in great fucking detail." Open plan offices can eat so many fucking dicks. xx
  7. It's OK - Michael Cera is gonna kill himself on Christmas and I'll take the gold! xx
  9. Oh man that was hard to watch. Powerful imagery, though. xx
  10. Anyone have an old amp channel footswitch? Ideally a 3-button version, that they wanna give away? Doesn't matter if it's broken or what condition it's in. xx
  11. Picked up LotR: Shadow of Mordor at the weekend in the Steam sale. Fucking belter of a game. Like Assassin's Creed meets Skyrim. Love the free-flowing combat and the weapon upgrade system is awesome! I like that you just get our starting set of weapons and upgrade them, rather than spending all your points/cash upgrading one weapon then finding a new one that's a dick-load better 5 mins later. Loving it so far. xx
  12. Who'd you get lessons from? You noticing a big difference? I've always thought about it but never taken the leap! Xx
  13. I think some of my noodling is a littler harder and faster, but not the progression I had hoped to see over the year. With any of that. xx
  14. ...No real progress. Except I now know that a 7th chord means the 7th note in the scale is flat. I used to assume it meant it was sharp, but a sharp 7th is usually an octave. So I learned one thing. xx
  15. Maybe he doesn't wipe, but gives himself brake fluid enemas after every dump? That'd mean some pretty hefty savings if you could buy wholesale! xx
  16. Steam Black Friday Sale. xx
  17. I like this. I almost love it, but the squealy note in the line "I was BORN a catholic.." turns me off a little. I like the vocals except from that, but I get what you're going for stylistically - just not the kinda thing I gravitate towards. The artwork is cool, I like the riff and the guitarmonies 'n' shit are pretty good too. American Irony is pretty tasty too. Thumbs up. xx
  18. Running the dead pool was the only work Rathen did for the site, so it makes sense that he'd want to stop now that he's not getting paid to do it! xx
  19. I'm back on this bitch. I can't believe it's coming up for 4 years now... Pandamcpanderson xx
  20. You gonna buy a unit or build yer ane? xx
  21. Bump. Had a practise today - banjo/guitar, sax and bass. Just playing some upbeat jazzy renditions of a few classics. Still looking for more instruments! Xx
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