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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Expensive things. I've been weighing up a high-cost, med. spec gaming laptop vs a PS4, XBONE and a Desktop. I'm thinking it might just be desktop that takes it. Build a box, run it into my TV as a media centre as well as my gaming system to replace my Xbox360. That way, my system can be upgraded and so on, rather than just tying myself in to a PS4 or XBONE. Anyone know what the exclusive titles are so far? Anything interesting been announced that won't hit PC? Anyone built a PC and have any horror stories? Or just want to sing the praise of their new console? xx
  2. Actually starting to lean towards the idea of getting an Alienware 13 now.. It's only a quad i5 processor, but the graphics amplifier is a nice piece of future-proofing.... I should probably start/resurrect a relevant thread in the Gaming forum as this may take some thought! xx
  3. [bOLD] Do Apple usually have decent deals on for boxing day/January sales online? [/bOLD] looks like I'm buying a macbook and I wanna know if it's worth waiting for the sales or if the prices are usually pretty much the same meaning I get to go buy my new toy NOW! Xx
  4. Bulbous Throbbing Sausage - new band name. I call it. Dibs. xx
  5. I want to see the squirrel taking the slice up the tree! xx
  6. Literally the only thing I know about my mortgage is the house it's paying for. xx
  7. Double bass arrived. Thinking about trying to arrange a wee jam next week. Will start sending out PMs and see what everyone is saying. Still looking for a tooteroo (trumpet or cornet) and drums. xx
  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/hampshire/7505443.stm xx
  9. Sorry to hear that man. Always heartbreaking to lose one of the family! xx
  10. You motherfucker. I now need one of those. xx
  11. Downloaded a PSX emulator so I've been all about FFVII and Doom recently. I've also hooked up my phone and laptop to work with an xbox controller so I've been using my phone for SNES and Genesis games and on laptop it's Bioshock 3 and Starcraft 2 for now. xx
  12. Double bass is now on its way to me. Looking forward to making some noise! Still after a cornet/trumpet player and a drummer. xx
  13. Giggidy giggidy gone! Lock her up please, mods! xx
  14. Decided to stop numbering these and just try to listen to "some new records" every "now and again or when I remember". The Offspring - Days Go By. Starts off really promisingly, some belting tunes that remind me on the old stuff. Then it reaches track 6 - Cruising California - not THAT offensive in context, it feels like another Pretty Fly type song, catchy hook and some really obnoxious and unnecessary vocal stuff thrown in. Then the next two are also equally pop-pish travesties, turning the record into an endurance test. There's a re-mastered Dirty Magic after that which brings back some credibility, but from then on the record feels kinda American-Idiot-era-Green-Day-ish. Not TERRIBLE, but not enjoyable either, really. 2/5 xx
  15. What's more important, remembering your bags, or remembering Pizza Hut on Union Street? xx
  16. Fuck that. I'll just learn to juggle and carry everything if I forget to bring a bag, because fuck giving 5p to charity. xx
  17. I've just started Prison Break. On a related note, I recently also fell through a wormhole to 2005. xx
  18. #THIRTY The Melvins - Hold it In I've never listened to a Melvins record front to back before. Tried when I was in my teens and a die-hard Nirvana fan, but I just couldn't get through the pop side of things. As soon as there was a song with no riffs and NOIZE then I got bored and put Incesticide back on. After seeing Soda's review above, I decided to give this a spin, since I've been after a bit of a balance for getting though work, an all-out aural assault for 8 hours in the office can take a lot out of you. This record is exactly what I've been after. Some belting riffs and noise with some more laid back stuff in there too. Fantastic record, really fucking enjoyed it. 5/5 xx
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