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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Affa good. I'd listen to an album/EP/moreofthatstuff. xx
  2. Just have all your pedals on all at the same time all the time like a REAL MAN. xx
  3. Yeah, CBJ is Cuba Gooding Jr. Honestly, I agree with Moose for the most part. Humour that plays on race, even if it's not necessarily "racist" humour, can give racists a feeling of acceptance. Same goes for rape jokes, "women belong in the kitchen" jokes, or anything like that. However, I do also believe that it can be perfectly acceptable to, in certain circumstances, to make fun of the stereotypes. That's all I was doing (or at least trying to do). Xx Edit: to be clear - I think it's ok to mock the stereotypes themselves, not mock the people targeted by those stereotypes.
  4. To be fair, Alk was making fun of me for mixing up two different people, and I was then making fun of how that stereotype is typically applied to a completely different group. But now I'm enjoying learning more about what black people are/are not offended by. xx EDIT: Actually, I did get Cuba Gooding Jr and Don Cheadle mixed up today too, maybe I AM a racist?? EDIT EDIT: Fuck sake, no, it was Terrence Howard and CBJ. So I'm definitely racist. I thought CBJ played Rhodey in the first Iron Man movie.
  5. Right, so I can make a joke about the fact that he's dead (he's not dead, but that doesn't matter - we're talking about any black celebrity here) but not about the fact that he's black? What about when Nelson Mandela died and people were posting Morgan Freeman pics? Was that racist? xx
  6. Or some hilarious "black death" related remark? xx
  7. Not even if it's REALLY funny? Like Deadzel Washington? xx
  8. What if a black celebrity dies? Can I make a pun about that? xx
  9. NEW #11 Masked Intruder - Masked Intruder Pop punk with harmonies n shit and lots of songs about girls. Like if Fun were a pop-punk band rather than NYC hipster-core. GOOD. 4/5 #12 AFI - Sing the Sorrow Like The Misfits but more power-pop/rock oriented and less good. 3/5 #Thirteen No Use for a Name - More Betterness! Fucking great. Great as fuck. 5/5 xx
  10. In all seriousness though, as cunty as the "all [race] look alike" joke is, I'm genuinely surprised to see such exception taken in a thread related to the celebration and mockery of people's deaths. xx
  11. Yeah, you're right. An internet forum where we make jokes about recent celebrity deaths is no place for a flippant race-related remark. I'll take a good hard look at my life and evaluate my choices. xx
  12. Even if it's not funny, I'm still right to think that I'm joking. xx
  13. Been away from the computer, time to catch up. New [bLANK] every [bLANK] #8 Scott Bradlee & Postmodern Jukebox - Twist is the New Twerk Vintage 20's Jazz and Swing covers of modern pop hits. I love this shit. Musically incredibly well crafted and arranged, and it does a hilariously great job of pointing out how fucktarded some of the lyrics are by contrast to the musical backdrop. I love it. 5/5 NEW #9 Smartbomb - Diamond Heist Punk. Loud. Fast. Really short record but fantastically put together. Slight feeling of it being phoned in by the final stretch but overall a great listen. 4/5 NEW #10 Smile and Burn - We Didn't Even Fight Yet Pop punk in the vein of Set Your Goals / Four Year Strong. Some fairly cackhanded gang vocals and average harmonies, but melodically pretty sound, interesting enough. Good, but not great or particularly memorable. 3/5 xx
  14. Calm down, it's not like they're blacks. xx
  15. Wrong midget. My bad. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_the_Midget xx
  16. New Record a Day #8 Face to Face - Face to Face NOFX-style punk rawk. Lots of octaves, the bassline pinging away in the background, fast, woahs, harmonies. Fucking great. 5/5 xx
  17. I hate you so fucking much. xx
  18. I think Wee Man from Jackass is dead? 4'10 under? xx
  19. Pulley are pretty tidy, though there's this band called Green Day I've just gave a spin - their first few records are pretty awesome! Can't wait to hear how good the newest stuff is! xx
  20. New Record a Day #6 No Use For a Name - Hard Rock Bottom Just fucking amazing punk rock from top to bottom. It's a crime that I never listened to this until yesterday. 5/5 New Record a Day #7 Strung Out - Another Day in Paradise Just fucking amazing punk rock from top to bottom. It's a crime that I never listened to this until now. 5/5 xx
  21. New Record a Day #6 Antillectual - Testimony Not a huge amount to say really other than this record is fucking spectacular. Had never heard of these lads before, but they certainly are a GBOL with a GBOSongs. Gruff punk rock/hardcore. Listen to them. 5/5 xx
  22. I've been listening to stuff but not posting about it. Naughty cunt that I am. Catch-up time! New Record a Day #3 Less Than Jake - See the Light Shitty mood needed Ska to make it better and this worked a treat. Not a stand-out record as LTJ go, but it's pretty solid start to finish with the usual toot-toot parp-parp goodness. 4/5 New Record a Day #4 Our Time Down Here - Midnight Mass Slightly heavier than I expected based on the string of "related artists" that brought me here on Spotify, I was expecting more pop-punk, but this was a welcome surprise. Not much to say really, it's a good record and I'll definitely check out more of their stuff based on the strength of this record. I found it a bit forgettable but I'll blame that on listening to it while at work on a sleepy Sunday. 4/5 New Record a Day #5 Flogging Molly - Speed of Darkness The trite title should have been a tip-off. It feels like a phoned-in record. "More of the same" is perfectly acceptable to put out, look at Bad Religion or NOFX, or even the LTJ record above.. But this just doesn't have the same fire and energy and life that the other records do. Not a bad record, but if you fancy some Flogging Molly, just listen to Drunken Lullabies again. 2/5 xx
  23. New Record a Day #2 Dead to Me - Moscow Penny Ante Decided to go with a record by a band I'd never really heard. It was pretty great at the front and back ends but sagged a bit in the middle. Just the right amount of rough-around-the-edges but still well produced enough to never sound muddy or second-rate. Some solid songs but it gets a little repetitive and uninspired in places. 3/5 xx
  24. I'm gonna join Joe because I've been in a slump of listening to the same 5 records. New Record a Day #1 I had previously avoided these guys because I hate gimmicky shit like their colour co-ordination shit.. but the record is solid pop-punk with great hooks and harmonies. GBOL. 4/5. xx
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