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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Is unfortunately real? Or is unfortunately fake? xx
  2. Always soft and moist. Dry and hard is for anal sex ONLY. #LAAAAD xx
  3. I like the idea of offering kids something that isn't the same as all other kid's music. It's an interesting idea... Strong melodies, it's a fun idea and it's pretty catchy, although maybe a bit elaborate to get stuck in your head as mercilessly as it could. I like it. It could well be a massive waste of time and effort, but fuck it. Good effort. xx
  4. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-28225729 Wedding Rowie, anyone? xx
  5. Oooh, I like the look of that guy! Nice and simple! Suppose it depends if you want bells and whistles or just basic functionality, though? xx
  6. Human Centipede 2 Guy watches the first movie and becomes obsessed with trying to recreate it in "real life". Great premise for a sequel. The plot is total garbage right up and down. The dialogue is obviously pish too. The visuals are really good, right up until they start trying to show you the really gross stuff.. then it becomes painfully obvious that it's all done with tomato sauce and melted mars bars. Some proper LOLs too which left me genuinely unsure if they were trying to be horrifically offensive and scary, or b-movie-horror-type hilarious. Good for a cheap laugh and some easy shock value, but pretty tepid overall. 6/10 xx
  7. It's that kind of English bastard attitude that's making me vote Yes! xx
  8. Stroopy121


    Brutal. I enjoyed that. xx
  9. Every fold doubles the height. 42 folds = 2^42 x the tickness of the paper, which is 4,398,046,511,104 sheets of paper. Paper is assumed to be just about 0.1mm thick, so that works out as 439,804 km. xx
  10. Work BBQ yesterday. Free booze, and the red wine was lovely. Everything hurts now. This can't be a hangover. I think I must have contracted a terminal disease overnight. Or maybe the food was dodgy. I can't remember a thing after going into town after the BBQ. One of the guys I'm sharing an apartment with was with a lass who got her face panned in, ended up in a&e with her, and being questioned by the police. Then when he got back to the apartment he didn't have a key so he slept outside. I don't think I was involved in any of that, but fuck only knows. I just want someone to hold me. xx
  11. Hello, I'm Mr Burns. OK Mr Burns, what's your first name? I don't know. xx
  12. Modern Horror Binge. Contracted A girl has a one night stand with a guy and then gets really ill. She thinks it could be an STI but it turns out to be far worse.. Really well paced, quite scary without being too formulaic (everything goes quiet... walk towards a door.. open it.. loud noise as something jumps out. Or, alternatively, nothing happens when the door opens but the loud noise comes then they turn around and THERE'S SOMEONE BEHIND THEM!). Good. Watch it. 9/10 V/H/S Some kids find a collection of V/H/S tapes while trying to find some blackmail material in a dude's house. It's basically a series of short horror stories. The shorts were all pretty good, but watching them all in a blast got a bit dull by the end. Pretty good, worth a look. 8/10 V/H/S 2 Two private investigators are looking into the fate of one of the kids from the first film, and watch some more tapes. More shorts, only this time they're mostly better. Except the last one, which is fucking wank. 7/10 Aftershock A bunch of LAADZ are on holiday in Chile when there's an earthquake and everything goes to shit. The eathquake destroys the prison and a bunch of convicts escape. Great movie, but some pretty harrowing scenes to watch - definitely worth a look though. 10/10 xx
  13. I've almost finished all 8 seasons of House. I fucking love House. I want to gimp my leg up and get addicted to Vicodin just to emulate his greatness. xx
  14. Someone needs to buy this. We used one of these for all the Needleman recordings. Amazing bit of kit - best money I ever spent on musical hardware. xx EDIT: Actually, you can daisy chain two of these to make a 16 input 32 channel board... which is fucking tempting....
  15. 22 Jump Street Funny. Makes fun of itself without being too obnoxious and irritating about it. 8/10 xx
  16. Keep calm and Curry on. I'm sure it'll Phall blow over eventually. One day, you'll be vindaloodoicated. xx
  17. Weird mod game up with a bunch of Skyrim PC mods. I think that was "vespa wanker" but I can't remember now. xx
  18. Where's the 'bucker?? Between neck and mid pups? xx EDIT:
  19. Enjoying this way more than I expected. I think the vocals are a bit too prominent in the mix, I'd have said with the washy reverb then should be a bit quieter to give more of an atmospheric feel. Really like the way the song is composed though, especially the bass riff and the march-y drums. xx
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