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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I'm in a respectable O&G job now, but I'd probably still quit at a moments notice if it meant I could get ma hole. #lad #PutThatOnTheCV xx
  2. I'm fae Peturheeeeeeed originally. My old man was friends with the guy who owned the Saplin at the time. Ah, that's cool then. I thought you were gonna tell me the boss was another one of your school mates! xx
  3. That's the one. Folks there were pretty decent, I was just young and cunty. And yeah, shockingly enough, in my youth I was more interested in sex than romance. WHAT A MONSTER I AM. xx
  4. I used to work at a Hotel near Mintlaw at weekends. Doing odd jobs, painting, fixing, building fences, occasional bar shift if they needed me. Typically I'd let the boss know through the week if I was gonna be turning up on a Saturday or Sunday and it was fairly flexible. One weekend I had a gig on the Friday and planned to go to work on the Saturday. Ended up spending all night drinking/partying so by the time 6am rolled around and I was thinking about getting into the car and driving to work, I thought better and called in to say I'd be out on Sunday instead. I was also trying to fuck one of the lassies among the group of us, so decided to stick at it. Then we spent all/most of the day Saturday drinking/partying so when 6am Sunday rolled around I sent the boss a text saying I wouldn't be back. I did eventually hook up with the lassie, though. So I think I made the right choice. xx
  5. Apparently avocado a fruit? Also, avocados are known as Alligator Pears. And they can be grown in the UK with some fuckery-bootery, but I don't think they are. xx
  6. I've been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. It's pretty repetitive and the combat controls aren't great. But it's addictive as fuck. Might give DC Universe Online a bash, or just good ol' World of Warcraft for some MMO fun. xx
  7. (t'was me that emailed - but thanks no less!) xx
  8. Is there a thread for Barcelona recommendations? I can find the Poland one and the other Poland one, but not the NoidRoid's Poland thread? xx EDIT: #bold
  9. Are they the models they have in Tom's...? xx
  10. I think it's a very good idea. Promote it heavily and get a decent lineup, can't see why it wouldn't be busy. However, doing it on Halloween is a risky call as every promoter/venue/other will be putting something on. That being said, most people go out for Halloween, so there'll be lots of foot traffic and more people looking for something to go to... so double-edged sword. xx
  11. Movie 43 What the fuck did I just watch? 9/10 xx
  12. Alter Egos In a world where superheroes are commonplace, but there are no super villains left for them to battle, the heros are becoming downtrodden and hated by the public. Set against this backdrop, Fridge is having some relationship problems. And some other shit goes down. Don't want to say any more as it starts to creep into spoiler territory. Hyde from That 70's show is in it. Fucking amazing. One of the best 'indie' films I've ever seen. Watch it. Even though IMDB only gives it like a 6? 9/10 Safety Not Guaranteed April from Parks and Rec and Nick from New Girl work for a newspaper and see an article from some lunatic who thinks he can time travel, so they go to meet him and write a puff piece about him. I loved this, too. But Nick doesn't shout enough. He's funniest when he shouts. 8/10 World's Greatest Dad Robin Williams' kid dies having a chokey wank, so Williams writes a suicide note and covers up the true nature of his death. Williams then finds that the suicide note he wrote touches the lives of many kids at his son's school and he's swept up in a wave of fame. Really touching, some LOLs, some un-LOLs. Brilliant. It's also really cool to see Robin Williams play a normal guy who isn't.. Robin Williams-ed. 10/10 xx
  13. Ip Man Kung Fu movie about the man who went on to mentor Bruce Lee - based on a true story but fuck knows how much of it is legit, as with any "based on a true story" movie. Wiki says it's "semi-biographical"... Absolutely brilliant. The fight choreography manages to skip between two totally seperate modes, where there are two Masters sparring, it's really fluid and almost dance-like, but then when it's just some motherfuckers laying the smackdown it gets much rougher and more violent. Feels much more real that a lot of films in the genre. They camerawork is perfect, too. No massively over-used slow-motion shots, but you still manage to catch all the action. They also do a great job of creating really reprehensible villains, you properly want to punch the air when you see a baddie get his head kicked in. It tells a fantastic story, the characters pull you right in and for being subbed, the dialogue also holds up really well - often Chinese dialogue comes out pretty cheesy when it's translated to English, especially in Kung Fu movies! 10/10 Ip Man 2 Like the first, but feels more western. Instead of focusing on telling a really involving story, they seem to be trying to scale up the action and the sense of danger. it feels more like watching a Rocky movie. Still a really good movie, but disappointing compared to the first. That said, the story develops well, builds to a pretty good crescendo and the final fight scene is pretty good, too. 8/10 Crocasaurus Shite, and not in a good way. I expected a monster croc the size of a bus, but no, just a slightly-bigger-than-you'd-find-in-the-real-world croc. No tension, bad acting, no comedy relief, and full frontal nudity from pre-teen, hairless Chinese boys. Avoid. 0/10 Nude Nuns With Big Guns A Mexican(?) drug lord uses a convent full of nuns to prepare and mule his drugs around. God speaks to one of them and she starts fucking motherfuckers up. Totally over-the-top, lots of tits and comedy fuck-scenes, great violence and cheese one-liners. Fucking brilliant. 9/10 xx
  14. I imagine watching the documentary will be a lot better than hearing the record. I'm with Rathen - I love Grohl, he seems like an amazing guy and a great role model and all that, but I just can't really get into the music. Except Everlong - that's a fucking amazing song. There are quite a few belters in the catalogue actually, just not enough. xx
  15. What job were you going to take that would've got you kicked out of your house? It was a rent boy job, wasn't it? I want that partcaster, but couldn't bring myself to get rid of my jazzmaster to make room . xx
  16. Awwh man, I used to LOVE Hudson Hawk when I was a young'un! I need to watch it again now and see if it really is as bad as it seems watching it as an adult! xx
  17. Super Dwight from the Office has a shitty life, so he decides to become a superhero. He ends up teaming-up with Juno and takes on a local drug dealer/pimp/gangster played by Kevin Bacon. Bacon is a great villain - a truly loathsome bastard, kind of fucker that just makes your skin crawl.. I adored the film, it's hugely violent, completely dodges the "superheroes can't kill people.." archetypes and goes full anti-hero to the point where Dwight just fucks people up with a wrench. There are even some tits in there, too. Absolutely great movie. 10/10 god bless america Guy has a shitty life and decides to kill himself. But first, he goes on a killing spree, killing people who "deserve to die", like x-factor judges, brat kids off "my super-sweet 16" and generally any dickhead who profits from the misery of others, or who is contributing to the vacuous, brain-dead culture engulfing the country. Another anti-hero murder binge and it's just fucking lovely. 10/10 Night of the Living Dead (1968) Inspired to watch this after it being referenced in god bless america - it's charming and it's pretty compelling, but the soundtrack is horrific. Any scene that is meant to be tense or scary is soundtracked by screaming white noise. It does a great job of making you feel ill-at-ease, but if you become conscious of the noises at any point it feels a little embarassing and cringe-worthy. The zombies are interesting because they barely look dead, they rely almost completely on their actions to be scary, rather than most modern zombies where the makeup and fake blood does most of the work. Worth a watch for fans of the genre as this is one of the greatest examples of early zombie-horror movies. Even if it is a little dated at times. 8/10 xx
  18. You can't be gay, you're A GIRL?!!? xx
  19. His onybudy seen ma jacket? Without it I feel so baaapit. xx
  20. Some good upcoming comic book adaptations. http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2014/05/12/she-has-no-head-3/ xx
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