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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. If you heat water to 88C in a DeLorean going 88mph and use that to make coffee, your tastebuds will ejaculate. Coffee. xx
  2. Ouch. That's one I alway's fuck up. xx EDIT: I... uh.. I meant to say "it's its own plural.." but changed it and deleted the wrong "its".... Honest.
  3. Fair point - but if I were to be referring to a bag of Kettle Chips, unless I was specifically referring to the brand, I'd still call them a bag of crisps. Although, the phrase "chips 'n' dips" might have cropped up in conversation at some point... xx
  4. I'm yet to hear anyone refer to crisps as "chips" yet, but I imagine that one would piss me off. But at the same time, it'd only annoy me about 10% as much as whoever chimes in bitching about Americanisms. xx
  5. Also; Pet Hate. People who get all overly-vitriolic over Americanisms in speech. I'm all in favour of pulling out a soap box and having a rant, but fuck me find something less boring to rant about! It always comes across a little UKIP-y to me - this is GREAT BRITAIN and here we say CHIPS! NOT FRIES! Fuck the fuck off. xx
  6. Fucking Poland. Although it shows that the United States of Poland's influence is almost on our shores! If it's already infected The Republic of Poland so severely. xx
  7. I thought "feedback" was like "data", and was it's own plural? We'll gather all the feedback and/or data... And I would say "the guitar feeds back like fook..." rather than "feedbacks", but I wouldn't be surprised if neither were correct! xx
  8. Ostensibly it's because Halal slaughter doesn't legally require anesthesia so is considered to be crueler (according to spellcheck crueler only has one "l" but I thought it was "crueller"? Neither look right to me...). In reality though, some people I've grilled on the subject actually think that Halal slaughter involves skinning the animal alive. Because people are fucking stupid. xx
  9. See, that's what I thought - but the arched brick roof and stone floor are news to me! Clearly I'm not very observant. xx
  10. Looking forward to Hannibal, will wait for the last episode to air then binge-watch the season. Re-watching all of Parks and Rec on Netflix just now before watching the newest season. Much funny. Very joke. Wow. xx
  11. http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_powerplant_junior.htm xx
  12. It sounds like the ramblings of a wanker who thinks he's far funnier than he is. xx
  13. Just pulled the trigger on a thumpinator. Yaldie. xx
  14. That was the same site as I was using, but none of the codes worked for more than a few hours! Could be my timing was just unfortunate though! xx
  15. Would never have called it myself - but I totally hear the Bleach comparison. DOOM! xx
  16. I spent ages looking - as I said they are all getting closed off unless you pay a host site. As soon as they get published online that they're working, someone comes along and closes it. xx
  17. Let's switch it around - let's say you happen across a video of your boss killing kids with a hammer.. and you take it to the police, to your boss's boss, etc, and they all say that they can't do anything because it was him acting in private, being filmed without his knowledge...? Maybe not a fair comparison, given that example is a crime... But let's say your boss is videoed saying that YOU are a cunt, and that he's desperate for an excuse to sack you. Should you be able to use that footage to defend yourself? xx
  18. It's a funny one. I think it IS fair to judge someone based on their private comments, but not necessarily fair to act on that judgement... Let's say I was horrendously racist in private, that Needleman spend 60% of our time at practises burning crosses and quoting American History X, out of context, to glorify white supremacy. Now, if that got out, I wouldn't think it unjustified for promoters to stop booking us, because they don't want to associate with us. I'd expect to be blacklisted by just about everyone I work with in the scene because they don't want to associate with a known racist. BUT - I wouldn't expect immediate consequences from my employer (unless offended colleagues raise formal grievances with me or something), because legally they can't sack me for being a cunt, and because I'm not a prominent public figurehead who represents the company in any public fashion. That being said, if I was the guy who's face was on the posters, who everyone pictured when they thought of the company, then legally what I did is harmful to them and they can sack me with no recourse. As for the recording - I don't think it's ethical, but it's not wrong. If I were to be at home and say "man, I'd love to kill a bunch of kids with a hammer" and then a bunch of kids were killed with a hammer... If I was recorded without my knowledge, I wouldn't expect that to be admissible legal evidence.. but if the recording was to become publicly available, I guess I'd just have to live with the fact that a bunch of people now think I'm a would-be child-hammer-killer. We now live in an age when anything you say or do could very easily become available for public consumption, and the public at large generally LOVE being able to see the recordings, decide you're a piece of shit and hate you forever for it. xx EDIT: Fuck, xkcd already said what I'm trying to say, better. And maybe not "fair" to judge someone.. but it's justifiable.
  19. It works on loads of shit including consoles and some streaming boxes, so I assume it'd work with Apple TV. Check the website (unblock-us.com) and it spells everything out. It's also really easy to start a free trial (literally just punch in an email, no confirming and resending emails and going to links or that shite) and you get a weeks worth for free. xx
  20. I use unblock-us - costs $5 per month but it does all the updating stuff automatically, plus you can easily jump between different countries with minimal fucking about. Some bastards are now buying and closing all the ports/servers to stop people using them for free. xx
  21. GASsing for one of these babies to finish up my pedal board (for now). Maximises speaker efficiency by eliminating signals less than 28Hz, so you still get the full audible spectrum out but your speakers don't need to work as hard to do it, meaning more headroom. xx
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