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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. And remember to pick up one of those "unemployed" uniforms. xx
  2. What was the "joke" on the bottle that caused all the fuss? Just some kind of "the beer is less strong so you can drink LOTS OF IT! LOL!" crap? The Brewdog guys strike me as the types who laugh hysterically at their own jokes. xx
  3. I wouldn't say it's racist, but now that you mention it, it definitely looks golliwoggy. xx
  4. That was my first thought, but thought that a battery with that much juice would be a total ballache to cart about? xx EDIT: Huh, a bit of googling and there's actually a multitude of specifically battery run-amps for the job. I don't know why I was too stupid to consider that in the first place. I must be tired. As you were. http://www.musoscorner.com.au/site/index.cfm?module=STORETIGERV2&adv_category_code=19642
  5. When buskers play in the streets with amps and shit, where the fuck do they plug in to? xx
  6. Picture is a bit shit, but the caption make me LOL. I can't decide if that's on-topic or not. xx
  7. This is the greatest post I've ever read. xx
  8. I think it's shite. I haven't been able to listen to it yet, and I fully expect to enjoy it when I do, but nobody has said anything really negative yet so I thought I'd pop that particular cherry. xx
  9. I'm in Norway with work just now and the coffee is fucking shit. There's not even a fucking Espresso option on the machines here, so I have to take the stuff with water in it like some kind of fucking animal, or an American. xx
  10. If it doesn't have your scent banged into it, I'm not interested. xx
  11. Someone should buy this - best bit of kit I ever invested in, xx
  12. Ahhh - the end of season 3 is a good one - some big moments in the final few episodes! It's a time before the dynamic with Deb changes that much, but she does become less whiny and irritating over seasons 4 and 5. By the end she's a fucking total badass and one of my favourite characters. xx
  13. I guess with gay kids having to repress their sexuality so much for fear of being bullied, it kinda makes sense that they'd want to shout it from the rooftops once they stop having to hide who they are? I see what you're saying - that kind of behavior can really reinforce "backs again the wall" type homophobia, but I guess everyone expresses their sexuality in their own way. xx
  14. Fuck that. Breakfast at work is great! Just don't be cunty with shared resources! xx
  15. Had a couple of those fuckers at my old work too - normal sized cereal bowl but they'd fill it to the BRIM with milk, then once the cereal is finished they'd pour the remaining half-bowl of milk down the fucking sink. xx
  16. I'm all for these viral campaigns to raise money for charity - I'd like it if some other charities ever got the same kind of attention that cancer research does, but given it's so prolific and has touched so many lives, it's not surprising that cancer campaigns are the most popular. It pisses me off a great deal that this is another fucking cancer campaign that completely excludes men, though (the other big one being the race for life). Fucking Movember has women contribute by being Mo Sistas (whatever the fuck that is) but anything breast cancer related seems to have a "no boys allowed" rule to it which is pretty fucking disappointing given that one of the big messages they're trying to get out there is that men can get breast cancer, too! It's also pretty sad that a woman being seen with no makeup on is some kind of shocking social rebellion... xx
  17. VICTORY IS MINE. S'cool - I've made my peace with the whole thing. Even when we were on "speaking terms" it was just Christmases and funerals. My old man is pro-BNP and has more than one boasted about his youthful days "gay-bashing". It's not a huge loss! Today's pet hate: having fuck all to do at work. I'm in a new job now and was in training all week, being shipped off to Norway next week for more training but today I'm in the office with no training to do and no work to get stuck into. I'm bored already! xx
  18. I guess that's all part of the intention though? Get people talking about it - when people have strong opinions (particularly about pointless shite) it's certainly likely to generate discussion! xx
  19. Whole lot of 'em. My mum and sister were the worst for it - as much as I hated my old man growing up, he's the only one who wasn't a total sack of shit in the whole affair - but I couldn't form any kind of relationship with him or even have a conversation without it harping back to a guilt trip about why I don't talk to my mum. My aunties, cousins, uncles etc I've never been close to. Our family has always had these fucking rifts and falling outs and I'm-not-talking-to-him's so I just took it one step further. The whole thing started because I didn't go to my nieces first birthday - told my sister I'd been having panic attacks and wasn't up for being around lots of people, so asked if it was OK for me to come over in the early afternoon, see them and the sprog and then bugger off before the hoard of well-wishers appeared... She LOST.HER.SHIT. Then it became a flame war, then the shit that they'd been saying behind our backs all came out. Afterwards, they expected me to just forgive and forget... like they were the victims and I was overreacting. Cuntrags. xx
  20. Read a really interesting thingy on facebook - someone pointing out that the WBC are just a more rough-around-the-edges version of the same kind of cynical, dogmatic hate that more mainstream Christian chapters spread. Until the new pope came along, the Catholic church basically agreed with WBC when it came to the notion that "gays are evil and will all burn in hell".. they just had a better PR spin on their hatespeech! xx
  21. I've disowned my whole family because my wife's mother-in-law is a toxic, manipulative sociopath. Insisted on referring to my wife as "that creature" among other things. A few years back my wife's friend/on-again-off-again-ex killed himself - my mum and sister said they thought it was HER fault, and also blamed her for me having mental health problems, despite having struggled with them since I was a tween. Mental bastards. The grand irony is that I've never really spoken to my family, when I first got with my wife she basically FORCED me to reconnect with them (I wanted to just ignore their calls and see them for Christmas and at funerals) so I did - I made an effort and started to build a relationship with them and all the while they fucking HATED my wife and blamed HER for the fact that we didn't talk much....?! xx
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