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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Stroopy121

    Afraid it's gone man! Xx
  2. Autocad is available for free if you are/were a student. Could also go in the "something I learned today" thread, but I think it's pretty ace-ic. http://www.autodesk.com/education/free-software/autocad xx
  3. Would also be really cheap compared to a studio space and you could get a nice, long block of a few hours. xx
  4. Unfortunately the Iron sold yesterday. xx
  5. I don't know if this is the best or the worst thing I've seen today. xx
  6. Now now, all you had to say was "me not liking your opinion of EC gets in the way of me enjoying your posts", not call Phil a "dick". No need to spout embittered, vitriolic shite. xx
  7. Fun Fact: My work have blocked the previous page of this thread because it contains Sex. On topic: I like Darth Elvis. Nay, I fucking adore Darth Elvis. I don't think I mentioned them in my previous post. xx
  8. Yeah, Phil, you odious little cunt. Imagine giving positive feedback to a band and offering to help them improve (in your opinion) their recordings?!? Xx
  9. Being somewhat dumbstruck by how you both seem completely incapable of understanding that anyone would dislike your friend. And also enjoying how the two of you are acting like Phil has committed some irredeemable sin when EC doesn't give a fuck. In fact, given how much he trolls the site for a reaction, I'd imagine a post like Phil's is his goal on here. Xx
  10. ... Now who's coming across like an arsehole? Xx
  11. I disagree - Phil called EC an arsehole. It makes him look like a guy who thinks another guy is an arsehole. The fact that you disagree with him makes you think that Phil comes across as an arsehole, but that doesn't mean that's how he comes across to everyone. xx
  12. Farewell Singapore were a little hit and miss with me - I loved them the first few times I saw them but for a while their songs seemed a little uninspired and lyrically quite trite. That said, they're always solid live. Tight as a tight thing. And Jon (or John?) is a good guitarist with some interesting ideas, techniques and sounds. Might have a dig into them again and see how their new stuff (assuming they have new stuff online) sounds. xx
  13. Is there a gym in Westhill other than the Holiday Inn? Is the Holiday Inn gym in Westhill as shit as it looks on the website? xx
  14. Stroopy121

    Buy my shit bump. xx
  15. They're all nice guys and they're not bad musicians either, I just think they need to hit a reset button somewhere and push in the same direction. They've been on the go for years now so it'd make sense that they'd be in a bit of a repetitive streak. xx
  16. Best (bands I like) Ascension. Fucking love that band. I generally loathe long, wanky, overly complicated music as it often doesn't hold my attention well, but power metal just soaks my fucking panties for some reason. I suppose it's because the music is generally farcically overly-complicated but still sounds like simple hooks and is easy to follow? I don't know, but I love it. Plus they're tight as a tight thing live. Dear John. These guys shagged us out of the running at the Capt. Tom's BOTB and rightly so - they fucking smashed it. I expected to hate them when I heard they used electronic samples etc (because I haven't seen many acts really tickle my fancy using them) but DJ were so fucking fluid, tight and heavy. Loved them. Absolutist. Great live act - the long spacey slow passages are something I normally avoid like the plague but it adds so much more brutality to the crustier elements of their set. GBOL. Really well-paced band. Awesome sauce. Worst (Bands I dislike or like less than what seems to be considered the correct amount) X-Certs / The Little Kicks. Lumping these two together because they both whelm me in the same way. Good bands, good performers, good songs, I just don't find them engaging. I have no idea why, maybe I'm just a hipster who doesn't like things because they're popular. Skizofrenik. I hate any band with "quirky" spelling in their name - just a pet hate of mine. I've seen 'frenik a few times, played with them a lot with Heller State. The drummer is a machine, really tight and really talented. Obviously draws a lot of inspiration from Travis Barker, but I think they have a way to go when it comes to crafting songs and making their sets flow. The songs often feel like they're pulling in two directions at once, never quite making up their mind if they're pop-punk or crusty. Plus I grudge bands who've been around on the scene as long as them still having covers in their sets - it feels lazy. I can't think of any bands offhand that are BAD, but those are the first to mind that I don't enjoy very much. xx
  17. Zombie Hunter Danny Trejo fucks some Zombies up. Fucking great. 5/5 xx
  18. Looks a little like a Mosrite - tidy as fuck! xx
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