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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. What they should do is turn Union Terrace Gardens into a big multi-storey car park. xx
  2. There's a car park outside DF communications where The Arches coffee shop was before it closed on Riverside Drive. It's free and unmonitored. Short walk up Bridge Street boom - there you are. It gets busy from around half 8ish but if you're in early you're laughing. xx
  3. For Allen? Or another, unrelated, case? xx
  4. Sounds like it blows fat ass as a fan for a few years at a time, but as big picture it'll keep the leagues competitive with "underdog" teams suddenly smashing up the ranks, rather than the stagnant affair a lot of sports have over here where the top 5 teams are more-or-less the same year or year. xx
  5. If you're having problems with your shit you probably need a proctologist more than a GP. There's some chat on this subject a few pages back - Slutbags asked the same thing. I used to use Whinhill Medical Practice just off Holburn Street and they were ace. xx
  6. 3 minutes? What are you, fucking Iron Maiden? 70 second songs FTW. xx
  7. Big Fish makes me cry every time. Also, you're all gay. xx
  8. Goon I expected it to be shite but quite funny. Instead, it was mostly shite. Few lolz but some pretty good violence. Whelming. 2/5 xx
  9. National Service would sort those pesky kids right out. xx
  10. My high score is about 80, which I thought was pretty awesome. Couple of friends have topped 100, best I've seen is 166. Mental. xx EDIT: Also, it's a fucking shit game and I hate it so much.
  11. So your big shit fit at the start about how DOOMED you were was just tween girl melodrama? xx
  12. Stroopy121

    Sochi 2014

    What the fuck is Skeleton? xx
  13. Ehhh... Not a fan of that article. Just seems to be another rehash of "he's always seemed a bit off..." xx
  14. R&B Have something similar. Might be a PRS instead of an LTD though... Les Paul style with a P90 bridge. Looks and plays like an LP Jnr. Nice thing. Cheap as fuck, too. xx
  15. Aw man I wish I could'a seen that. Kelvin was the MAN behind a kit but fuck me did he not half play some unnecessary pish! xx
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Ore - Interesting reading on the subject of false arrests for these kinds of crimes. xx
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