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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I 100% agree with that - there's a balance to be struck between supporting victims of abuse and upholding the "innocent until proven guilty" philosophy. Anonymity of the accused in particularly high-profile cases, especially in the early stages of investigation, might be a good idea. xx
  2. Good thread. Looking forward to looking over those articles. Since I'm in a position where I REALLY want Allen to be innocent, I think in a backwards kinda way I'm going to be extra-hard to convince that he's innocent since I don't want to fall into the trap of just siding automatically with the people making the argument that I want to be true. xx
  3. Same boat here - I fucking love his work, especially his writing. Personally, I can't separate the artist from the art. If he's guilty, he's dead to me, and that fucking sucks. However, I look at the situation with a glimmer of hope - generally in these cases I side with the accuser/victim by default until all the facts are out and a full conclusion is reached. I try to never jump to HANG THE BASTARD conclusions until all is said and done, because as awful as it is, false accusations do happen. However, I'd never treat a victim of this kind of crime with disbelief and skepticism because of how difficult it is to come forward. Anyway, there's cause to believe in the Allen case that it MIGHT be remnants of a vendetta between Mia and Woody.. but that might just be wishful thinking. xx
  4. I guess it's just an extension of the fact that if a random stranger gets hit by a car, it's no big deal but if it's your mum then it's a tragedy... If you're a fan of PSH's work then you'd've been sad when he kicked it. Plus, lots of people like to appear grief-stricken as a way of making everything about them, so they'll also be contributing to the "IT'S THE WORST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO BRITISH CINEMA" hyperbole. xx
  6. I used to use Whinhill Medical Practice, just off Holburn Street. Nice place. GBOLATB. xx
  7. You're all arseholes, it's definitely not me that's the problem. xx
  8. Alkaline Trio - Good Mourning NOFX - So Long and Thanks for all the Shoes Rancid - ...And Out Come the Wolves Honourary mention goes to: Misfits - American Psycho Lots of stuff has came and went, particularly the Blink 182 / Dookie era Green Day stuff that massively shaped what I did with Heller State, but those 3 records have never been far down in my list of most-played, particularly when I'm trying to get my shit together and get inspired to do some more writing. xx
  9. They found several piles of body parts containing 5, 6, 4, 2, 9 and 75 severed limbs respectively. The target number of passengers is 516. xx
  10. Stroopy121

    Movies 2014

    http://www.aberdeen-music.com/topic/48500-photoshop-game/ Not much left to see though - most of the picture links are dead. xx
  11. Stroopy121


    Chickpeas are good but they're a little more bothersome to cook. Not much more, but the depth of my laziness is astounding. xx
  12. I thought Archer would suck but over the last 3 days I've watched every episode on Netflix. It's really fucking funny. It's written like a sitcom, but with secret-agent antics instead of a regular work environment. xx
  13. Stroopy121


    A staple for me is/was lentil curry. You can make it by the billion gallons, it freezes well, easy to make and with enough/the right seasonings in there it's pretty damn delicious. Plus there's a fuckload of protein and carbs in lentils. xx
  14. Parks and Rec is the greatest show in the universe. Watch it. Stick through season 1 and by the end of season 2 you'll be in love. xx
  15. I'm gonna give this a wee bump and see if anyone else wants to weigh in? Anyone having second thoughts after a second listen? Have you realised that the record is more of a 'grower' than you anticipated and it's actually the greatest thing in the universe? xx
  16. ...pictures of his dog? You can't just leave that one hanging... why do you have pictures of his dog?! xx
  17. Yeah, it was out of line but I didn't take it as being malicious - seemed like one of those "this would be the best inappropriate moment to heckle so I'll say the first thing that comes to mind" kind of moments. Had fun playing but yeah, was sick as a fucking dog last night so I hope it didn't impact on the set too much. Absolutist fucking smashed it. xx
  18. IF I get to sub, bung in Schumacher. If not, fuck it. I'll go it with one less candidate. When Cera pegs it on his birthday I'll be balls-deep in points anyway. xx
  19. New tune is a fucking belter. Sad to see you guys packing it in. xx
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