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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I watched one episode over christmas at the in-laws and nearly died laughing. Exactly my kind of puerile humour. An old "woman" swearing. That's all it is. Hilarity for stupid people, but I fucking loved it. xx
  2. You're all chumps. This is the year Michael Cera kills himself on his Birthday and I win by a landslide. xx
  3. Cheers for the feedback gents. I really appreciate the vocal feedback. I feel like they're a big step in the right direction - when I recorded them I felt like I was cutting loose but hearing them in the full mix I realise I could have given it another 30% more on the SHOUTING LIKE FUCK front. But anyway, criticising a punk band for having flat vocals is like criticising a duck for quacking. Also - the three tracks were recorded vocally in one take each, so I'm happy with the result in that respect. Time was more of a factor that I'd have liked but it feels like a leap forward from Self-Titled and I'm looking forward to taking what we've learned forward for the upcoming LP this year. Glad Please Don't Jump is getting some love - it's a really personal song for me and one that we worry sticks out of the set a little too much. xx
  4. I've always fucking hated that "put the seat down" argument. If a person sits on a fucking toilet with the seat up it's because they're a fucking moron. xx
  5. Literally the best thing anyone has ever said about any band ever as far as I'm concerned. Have you listened to the Self Titled EP? Because if not, that's a motherfucker of a coincidence! http://needleman.bandcamp.com/track/attention-deficit-disorder-add xx
  6. Great thread. My favourite is Dexter, but I kinda like Hannibal, too. Not quite the same bracket as "serial killers" but I'm fascinated by the Manson family. But yeah, Ed Gein was....something else! xx
  7. WAIT! I'm drafting my list now - will have it in today. xx EDIT: I'm in now. Crisis over.
  8. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Psychological exercises to help you break cycles of negative thinking. Breaking the cunt loops in your brain. Excellent stuff. Have a look at this website (http://www.llttf.com) my doctor recommended it to be before suggesting I go forward for CBT. Great way to have a look at what it's all about. xx
  9. It sounds like you're suffering pretty heavily with depression. See your GP, get some help. xx
  11. I get my coffee from a vending machine. To be fair though, it does say "fresh brew" on it! xx
  12. This isn't news, it's a blog. But it's definitely ridiculous. Miley Cyrus is Punk as Fuck. xx
  13. I admire your ambition to become the most know hair metal band in Aberdeen. xx
  14. Shit... those fucking prices?! xx
  15. Apologies. Since I avoid these threads unless I'm up to speed, then I assume everyone else does. xx
  16. This is the weirdest thing I've been neg repped for yet..? xx
  17. Yeah - I got it working. Took a few different attempts and different DNS settings but it's ALLLIIIIIVVVEEEEE. Awesome sauce. xx
  18. I actually reckon that since the kid has disappeared he's going to lose the stupid, sappy, don't-want-to-be-a-leader shite and start being the badass lone-wolf motherfucker. I don't think he'll shack up - too feart to lose anyone else. xx
  19. I reckon Rick kills Glen and bones Maggie. xx
  20. I want to be able to noodle harder and faster. My benchmark has always been Matt Freeman - I want to be able to do that kind of soloing. My pop/slap technique is pretty solid but I'm just not fast enough to get where I want to go with it. Whenever I try to speed up my hands seem to tense up and just become completely useless. I also want to get my fingerpicking improved a bit for playing some acoustic type stuff on the side. xx
  21. Ant and Dec were in So Solid Crew?! xx
  22. Yes and no. In the comics, when Michonne shows up... the governor shackles her up and rapes her for days on end... I do totally see the gist of the argument though - in order to survive in that environment you need to be able/willing to kill whatever puts you at risk and that could be an innocent child or it could be a hoard of zombies. Both Rick or Guv would kill when they need to but I think Rick would draw the line at torture. I love this season. Especially the Governor backstory episode - all the stuff he does between Season 3 and his reappearance. It made the character much more 3-dimensional seeing him cultivate new relationships and act selflessly. Also - holy fuck I did NOT expect all that to happen in this season - I thought it'd be saved for part 2. However, I love the sense of resolution and moving on, letting part 2 (finally) start to move into some of the new stuff that happens in the comics. xx
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