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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 I enjoyed the first one, I enjoyed this one a little less. It seemed to drag its arse a bit and there were fewer lolz. Still good though, would watch again. 4/5 The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug Better than Unexpected Journey, but still not good. It's way too fucking long. Fleshing out a book that's 1/3 of the size of any of the 3 LotR novels and making it into 3 films was always a fucking awful idea. It's not TERRIBLE, but it's not good. 2.5/5 Thor: The Dark World Fucking loved this. Partly because I'm a Marvel fanboy and partly because it's awesome. Some good twists, some great action, lots of explosions and shit. Fuck yeah. One of the strongest in the current generation of Marvel stuff IMHO. 5/5 Lawless Really, really awesome in places, some terrible pacing and shiteyness in others. Overall, cracking film - well stylised without being obnoxious about it and good performances all around. Spiffing. The ending was a little.. unexpected..? It reached the conclusion that I foresaw right at the start... but it took an odd route in getting there, which I liked. 4/5
  2. Same here - some rare fucking wankers online. It's amazing how much cretins seem to think their opinion is worth. I'm always tempted to start sharing some Westboro Baptist shite - "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS" etc, just to piss them off. xx
  3. Since they're in Most Missed this year, I assume they've split making them ineligible? xx EDIT: Just saw the chat about that in Most Missed. Oh well. FUDGE AWARDS IN TECHNICAL INACCURACY SCANDAL.
  4. Yes and no. I sold my old amp to fund this. In the new year I plan to sell a couple of guitars/some parts to fund buying one of yours! xx
  5. All of it. As I said, Deadpool Kills is now collected in 3 trade paperbacks (Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, Deadpool Killustrated and Deadpool Kills Deadpool). There's also Deadpool Corps and there's a Deadpool ongoing series started not long ago with the new wave or Marvel Now stuff. xx
  6. Except the shitty storyline, Gosling's terrible one-dimensional acting, the total and utter lack of any character development and the god-awful soundtrack. xx
  7. The Deadpool movie has been announced and cancelled more times than I can count - my hopes aren't high . Deadpool Kills... series is pretty awesome. The early comics are pretty great too - I downloaded his whole back catalogue and have been slowly but surely working through it. xx
  8. Nah, I think it was before that. It was an actual line/gag rather than a physical thing that happened to someone! xx
  9. For the LIFE of me, I can't remember! xx
  10. Long flight to Dubai. Elysium Matt Damon wants to break into a space station where all the rich people have magical healing booths that can instantly cure anything from cancer to having your face blown off. It's a bit shit and rife with flaws in its internal logic, but I really enjoyed it. Some good action and not too much awful, hammy acting. 3/5 Kick-Ass 2 Fucking love it. Great violence. Much good. Wow. Lulls a little in the middle before it starts to run up to the conclusion, but still a great one. 5/5 We're the Millers Drug dealer needs to run a massive shipment of weed over the border from Mexico to clear a debt with his supplier. It's one of those sitcom-esque comedies where there are plenty of jokes but they never really make you laugh. There was one LOL joke, but an overall fairly enjoyable film. Certainly a good distraction for a while. Some pacing problems in the middle and a fairly trite and corny ending, but again worth a look if you fancy something brainless. 3/5 xx
  11. I've read various things talking about Beebz spitting on fans. Maybe the tweens are rubbing his gobs in their snatches thinking they'll get pregnant? xx
  12. New amp. Ashdown Little Bastard 30Watt and 2x12 cab. Used it at practise and it managed to keep up - just - but I think that's because the 810 I used wasn't sensitive enough. The 212 is a high sensitivity cab so I reckon this might have even more oomph. I'd only ever used solid state amps before this guy, but I'm a true tube believer now. xx
  13. Does sound like a worthy investment actually. Might have a nose on Thomann and the like and see how much they're going for. Cheers. xx
  14. I use my phone for the most part, but we can be standing there, Phil will have a widdle on his axe, It'll go: "FUCK THAT WAS AWESOME - play it again so we can record it." "...play what?" "THAT! That shit you just played. The widdle diddle bummh do dooo." "...dafuq?... This?" *some guitar stuff* "NO. NO I'VE NEVER HEARD WHAT YOU'RE PLAYING BEFORE. JUST STOP IT. I QUIT. I'M GOING HOME." xx
  15. Michael Cera. It's going to happen. He's my golden goose. xx
  16. No. Nononono. I piss and moan when you make horrible noise. You've rocked some badass doom riffage that I've wanted to expand on and work with but you NEVER FUCKING REMEMBER ANYTHING YOU PLAY. Guitar alzheimer's. Guitalzheimer's. xx
  17. If you start a doom band, dibs on bass duties. xx
  18. Nirvana proving they are better musicians than they are mimes. xx
  19. Absolutist are pretty fucking good. Almost as good as Needleman. . xx
  20. Tablespoon of runny honey, tablespoon of lemon juice, add boiling water, drink. If you're a REAL MAN, then add whisky too, but it works without it. xx
  21. The problem with BOTB events typically is that they often use Pay to Play type rules - in order to qualify you have to bring a specified number of people to see you, or you have to sell your allotted tickets. Some are designed so that if a promoter makes a loss on a BOTB, the bands basically end up covering it. Which is dick. However, I can't imagine Fat Hippy pulling that shit, since they are a GBOLATB, so I like this idea. xx
  22. Plan 9 and Forbidden Planet are both staffed by the very loveliest people - they won't be cunty about it. xx
  23. DF Communications down off Riverside Drive at the Arches do all that stuff - fitting tech in cars. No idea what it'd cost but they're pretty well priced. xx
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