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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Boom, joint 19th to joint 12th just like that. Now I just need Michael Cera to kill himself on Christmas Day and I'm a winner! xx
  2. I did indeed! I misspelled the cunt's name but it still counts! xx
  3. I understand not caring about the lyrics - I know a few people who feel the same way. Here's a question though (not just for 'roid, I'm curious as to many people's opinions on this one) - do you find that your opinion of an artist's output is affected by your opinion of them on a personal level? Say Kanye were to be convicted of some horrible crime, would you still listen to the records? What about if his lyrical content expressed opinions you found hugely morally objectionable? D'you think it'd affect how much you enjoy MBDTF or would you still enjoy it as much? Obviously I know that these hypothetical questions are impossible to answer objectively but two prime examples in recent history are Michael Jackson and Ian Watkins... and Pete Townshend, too, although I don't know if he was ever found guilty? Reason I ask is because, personally, I agonise over lyrics. I've always thought that if you have nothing to say then stop talking. That's how I feel about a lot of popular "artists". It's just trash for the sake of trash (which is totally fine, make it, sell it, listen to it... I don't consider it to have any merit as art, but it's still a valid contribution to music.. even if it's fucking terrible). So yeah, I care way too much about lyrical content. /coolestofstories,bro xx
  4. It's like being punched in the face - I understand some people finding a punch to the face absolutely crippling and others being more-or-less unfazed, but the idea of anyone enjoying it and actively choosing to be punched in the face for fun just... doesn't make sense. xx
  5. Was talking about this at work the other day actually - it applies to a lot of employers. If a manager decided to hire an employee who is a useless fuckwit, they won't fire that employee because it means admitting they fucked up by hiring them. Same goes for fanboys - if you announced your love for Kanye during his early career, you might feel like a chump eating crow and admitting that you think he's a giant pile of shit wearing a man-costume. xx
  6. Also, new Dave Hause record on Spotify. Good, not amazing. It's kinda more-of-the-same, but with fewer big, meaty hooks. But it's also a tad poppier, closed to The Loved Ones output. Listen to it, but keep your expectations in check. I look forward to a second listen to see if there are any growers. xx
  7. I tried to listen to Dark Twisted Fantasy so many times after hearing good things and it's just utter tripe. The first couple of songs I actually got into and really enjoyed, but as soon as I hear the line "I don't need your pussy, bitch, I'm on my own dick..." in Power (I think?) it all just plummets downhill. Never made it past the half way mark. He's either the biggest fucktard on earth or he's got a wonderful marketing department. Describe yourself as "the next Nelson Mandela", you'll be ALL OVER the papers! xx
  8. Yeah - that's the one. Unless there's another Stuart Rock Docherty out there. xx
  9. Haha, yeah, rape/murder is so much funnier when you're pissed. xx
  10. I've worked with the Ascension guys a few times doing charity stuff. They generally seemed like a GBOLATB, Ricki especially is a total gent. I ended up removing Stuart from my Facebook, along with the other guitarist, Fraser, for miscellaneous minor infractions of my news feed rules a while ago.. glad I did now! xx
  11. I'd say it's more akin to blaming gun crime on people selling guns, but yeah it's a similar thing. xx
  12. I was speaking to Gav at the weekend - they're in the process of trying to get a 14+ license sorted out with a view to putting on some 14+ stuff through the week. I suggested open mic type affairs as a lot of kids would be more able to come down and do a song or two that would be able to come play a full on set. xx
  13. I do totally agree that this SHOULD be the case, but I know that one of the bars would get the blame, which is what I was curious about. This was where I was heading next with that question - if a barman decides that you're sober enough to handle a couple more pints before he cuts you off, but knows you'd be a danger behind the wheel and believes you're the type to drive home then let's say he decides he'll only serve you if you hand over your keys... Seems responsible, no? What happens if some other punter spots this and steals em from behind the bar? Or if the barman himself decides to take the car for a joyride? Or what if the poor drunk bastard blacks out and has no idea which bar he was in or that he left the keys there in the first place? It all seems a little too hand-holdey to me, with FAR to many eventualities for there to ever be a solution that actually works - the only system that will ever work is "look after your-fucking-self". I do, however, agree with a premises having to adhere to fairly strict rules regarding serving drunk motherfuckers, though, because way too many bars would offer ridiculous offers to deliberate get customers fucked up as fast as possible so they could make as much profit as possible without regard for people's safety. xx
  14. Interesting argument. If you're selling something that fucks a person's ability to make decisions up, should you then become responsible for their shitty decisions? That person was sober when they decided to start fucking up their mental capacity, so surely it's their own fault and their own responsibility to not die? Anyone know if licensee liability extends to drunk driving? If a barman sells Mr Smith a few pints and he finds himself hammered and drives home, do the bar/bar staff land in the shit? I know that if Mr Smith were to go out and take a shit on a cop car and punch a few strangers then the last bar he was in take a level of responsibility (blame) for that. I'd also like to know, if I went to bar A and got shitfaced, then went to bar B, drank a glass of water and sat around for a while, then went out and shat on a cop car, which bar gets the blame..? xx
  15. The rumour is totally that Ben is Keyser Soze. xx
  16. Jake - is the rumour you're talking about the one that Ben was diddling under-agers? Because I did hear that rumour. Right now. When I made it up. xx
  17. Elf with WIll Ferrel is surprisingly funny. xx
  18. Michael Cera Michael Cera Michael Cera Michael Cera Michael Cera Michael Cera Michael Cera Michael Cera Michael Cera Michael Cera (Joker)xx
  20. Bump. New sofa incoming so would like these gone soonish. Make me an offer. xx
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