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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. All I need is Michael Cera to be murdered on December 13th or Christmas and this shit is mine! 12(he's 25)+3+(unique)+2(13th)+3(unnatural)+1(first)*2(joker) = 42. Add that to my 6 and this season is in the bag! xx
  2. Ohh, OK. Then it's definitely the Jew's fault. Or the Jews' fault. One of the two. xx
  3. Personally, I'd like to think that if I found myself in that situation (in the middle of a bike parade who, for whatever reason are trying to get me to stop).. I'd stop the fucking car and let them do what they're trying to do. Call the cops if I felt like they'd be of any help.. but otherwise, get out of the situation as fast as I can without pissing them off! Trying to force his way past all the bikers was a pretty retarded move... That said, the bikers were being fuckheads so I couldn't give much less of a fuck that one of them got injured. Basically everyone involved did stupid shit. I'd say the guy in the SUV was most innocent because he acted out of fear and stupidity rather than just being a wanker.. BUT how do we know that the bikers weren't just cruising along and this guy in the SUV tried to barge through them? Maybe that's how he bumped the first biker...? I don't know - basically everyone is a dickhead. Why are? xx
  4. My rabbit died last night/this morning. It always catches me off-guard how absolutely devastating it is to lose a pet . xx
  5. Yeah, assuming the EQ pedal doesn't sound as awful as I'd expect you could get some pretty cool fuzz out of that wee guy. xx
  6. WTF are you doing with the settings on that EQ? Cutting the lows out completely? Doesn't that sound absolutely horrible..? xx
  7. Yeah - if you're in the dialogue box to type, backspace deletes a character but if you have the actual page active then backspace works as a browser command and brings you back a page. Sucks massive goat balls when that happens - I have no idea if it can be disabled. xx
  8. Nah, I had so many abortions in my early teens that I'm barren now. xx
  9. #HollywoodRemakes The Men Who Stare at Goatse. xx
  10. I really fucking enjoyed this. Wonderful film. Law Abiding Citizen Gerrard Butler's family get all fucked up which exposes him to how flawed the judicial system is... so he decides to fuck the system up. Ridiculous, but in a good way. Some great violence and explosions and an actual, enjoyable plot in there too. Plus Butler doesn't try to do some hammy fucking accent in it, which lets him pass as an actual half-decent actor. One of those films where there's no clear-cut "goodie and baddie" relationship - you're left to choose whose side you're on - the good guy who's descending into murderous madness, or the dickhead lawyer who's slowly becoming less of a dick... I expected trash but it was actually pretty good. Would watch again. 7/10 xx
  11. Use a potato masher to pick them up? xx
  12. I was vegan for a few years, and it made eating out more-or-less impossible unless you phoned ahead an asked what they could do to accommodate you or accepted that you were going to have tomato pasta and that was that. xx
  13. The only places I could think of would be Lakland or Ikea? Or Google. xx
  14. Stroopy121

    AAAAaaawwwwww shiiit son! WANT! Gonna have a rummage for some stuff to shift to make room (physically and financially) and see how long before someone else snaps it up. Total killer of a bass. xx
  15. Ahhh, sounds like a good idea - beat the monotony a little. Plus it's fun to say. FARTlek. FartLEK. FaaaarrrrRRRrrrtlek. That's my morning's entertainment sorted. xx
  16. Is fartlek a typo? Because if it's a thing, I want to do it because the name is ace. xx
  17. I bow to superior knowledge on the subject. I think "Run Less, Run Faster" is probably what I was getting at. T'has been a while since I followed any kind of fitness regime since having to bail out of the Edinburgh marathon due to various broken bits. xx
  18. Speaking as someone who has no idea what the fuck he's talking about - all the literature I've read suggests changing up your routine - change 3 runs a week to a swim, a leg session at the gym (or a general leg-oriented workout) and a run. I read that's the best way to break a slump. But, my personal best for a 5k is around the 40 minute mark, as I usually need to stop and lie down and vomit halfway through, so take my advice with a pinch of salt! Well done Gladstone, pretty awesome achievement(s)! xx
  19. Oh yeah, I forgot about him! Even then, a mod is on this site pretty constantly so shouldn't take too long for Kitchen Cynics threads to be approved? xx
  20. How about any thread with the word "Kitchen" in the title needs manual approval? It'll slow them down at least? And it's not like many legit threads are about kitchens? xx
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