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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front. xx
  2. Here's an open letter to everyone who has ever written an open letter: THIS IS THE MOST FUCKING BACKWARDS FORM OF COMMUNICATION IN EXISTENCE. Hey, I know what's a great idea - I'll send my message out into the clear-blue-fucking sky and then, once millions of gawking fucktards have shared it on facebook, it'll become famous enough to reach it's "intended reader". Go fuck yourself. xx
  3. I respect Lou Reed's contributions to music, despite not being a VU fan, and thinking his record with Metallica was a total abortion. However, the main reason I'm posting right now is to say that this thread is fucking great. xx
  4. Pfft. Not real Italian's running them. Would you ever find a British restaurant that didn't serve chips?! I don't fucking think so. xx
  5. It took me a heart-breaking amount of time to work out what the fuck you were going on about here. I am ashamed. Why am a dickhead?! xx
  6. It's your eyes. Open your eyes. It's like a terrible joke that's not even funny-terrible. As I've said on facebook, my preferred answers are "open fire" or "open a can of whoop-ass". xx
  7. Some more here: http://www.buzzfeed.com/chelseamarshall/these-dogs-shaking-in-slow-mo-are-both-amazing-and-hilarious xx
  8. http://www.amazon.com/Lilys-Home-Whisky-Whiskey-Chilling/dp/B005R28CB0/ref=sr_1_2?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1382690582&sr=1-2&keywords=ice+rocks xx
  9. Cohen brothers have the same fame, IMHO. Same with Tim Burton - although it's no secret his career has been going downhill since the 90's. Joss Wheadon is also on is way there... xx
  10. Have you tried turning it off and on again? xx
  11. New Red City Radio - Titles. Fucking amazing. Front to back it's an incredible record. 11/10. Listen to it NOW. Flatliners new one, as said above, is also fucking excellent. xx
  12. For a bit of perspective, I watched Reservoir Dogs straight after it. I've only seen it once before, and thought it was okay. That opinion still hasn't changed. It feels like a whole lot of nothing really happens. I like how unhinged Madsen's character is, but little else. Also, why does Nice Guy Eddie die at the end? It's a 3 way stand off. Joe shoots Orange who is already dying. So White shoots Joe. Eddie shoots White. Nobody shoots Eddie, but he dies anyway. DiCaprio was also great in Shutter Island. LOVE that movie. xx
  13. I know Gav (who runs all this stuff at Downstairs) is constantly trying to bring new and worthwhile things to the city, so if yesterday was successful and there seems to be call for more, then it could well end up being a regular thing. Give Downstairs a shout on facebook and let them know that you'd be really interested to know if there are going to be more of them. xx
  14. Yeah, I know you're not a particular fan of 80's hardcore so figured it was probably a genuine question. xx
  15. In case you aren't trolling, that's the Black Flag logo, with the words Black and Flag replaced with Justin and Bieber. Many TOTAL HARDCORE PUNXS WHO DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT NUTTIN' are rather outraged by the Black Flag logo being shat on quite so poignantly. Total world class trolling from whoever came up with that idea. xx
  16. Why does Adam Easy Wishes have an avatar of JakeBassist's tattoo? xx
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