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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. "Baby on board." Really? You have a baby in your car driving in to Dyce at half 6? Or are you just too fucking lazy to take that cunty fucking sign down at at point? Because if you fly that fucking flag 24/7, rather than only when there's a baby in the car, then it doesn't mean Baby on board at fucking all. It means "LOOK AT ME, I HAVE FUNCTIONING GENITALS!" Fucking piece of shit. xx
  2. It does. I tried putting them in quotes and it all went to fuck. First paragraph is a cunty post. Second is a cunty reply to the cunty post. Third is my synopsis of the two characters posting above. xx
  3. There's also the Whisky Shop at the top of Union Street, might be worth asking in there? xx
  4. Just watched the latest season of Modern Family. It's still hilarious. One of my favourite seasons. Cameron being bitchy to the lesbian couple was fucking genius. xx
  5. 21 Jump Street Buddy cop movie with Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. Handsome jock and loser nerd sent back to high school as undercover cops to find out about a new drug that's hitting the streets. I put it on because I fancied some braindead pish to put on in the background while I read comics. Was surprised by how good it is, some great laughs and it doesn't take itself too seriously. Really, really good as these kind of movies go. Would definitely recommend. 9/10 xx
  6. I love New Girl. I once heard it described as "this show about these three guys who live with a girl with Aspergers." That made me love it even more. xx
  7. At the risk of stating the obvious and then being blisteringly unhelpful, if RnB or II don't have 'em, then I'd resort to eBay. xx
  8. We Need To Talk About Kevin Not sure if this will count as spoilers, since the plot is given away pretty quickly. It tells the story of Kevin, with a strong focus on his relationship with his mother, Eva. Basically, Kevin is a relentless sociopath, pretty much since he was born, but only his mum can see it. There are a few big differences between the book and the film and if you're so inclined, I'd strongly recommend reading the book before watching the film. The main difference in my eyes was that the book is told entirely in the form of letters to her husband, Franklin, but the film has absolutely no narrative. 100% dialogue. It has a weird, chilling effect, where you're left feeling a little cold and lonely throughout, just like Eva must. Obviously, with such a long story condensed into a film, a lot of detail is overlooked which I'd imagine would mean that if you hadn't read the book then some of the scenes may lack some of poignancy, but it's still worth a watch if you ask me. 8/10. xx
  9. My mistake - misread that part. I stand by the rest of the post, though. xx
  10. Nobody made you pay for anything. Go. Please, for the love of fuck, go. xx
  11. I've heard good things about Poland. xx
  12. Bumder would be better. xx
  13. Craft beers have always had weird names like Sheep Shagger and Arrogant Bastard! Brewdog haven't pioneered anything there. I've never seen any direct rip-offs, butt I don't doubt that they exist! xx
  14. Honestly, I loved Huell and whateverthefuckBillBurr'snamewas. Badger and Skinny Pete, too actually. But, I am surprised that so few of the "good guys" died! Only Hank and Walt go down! I thought there's be way, way more dead motherfuckers! xx
  15. Just finished the season. Pretty fucking good. I've never seen a show end as strongly as that. Gutted Huell and Badger didn't die, though. I was really surprised that Hank died so early, I saw the ending as being pretty much as-was, only Hank showing up and blowing Walt's head off at the end. I also thought Walt would kill Jesse by accident. Then be sad. Skylar and Marie are both left alive, though. That is fucking wank. xx
  16. This is precisely the reason I can't stand most of their beers... No subtlety to the flavours. I suppose I can see the parallel to punx in that respect, it's simple and it's idiot proof.... Unfortunately, while I think that can be a great trait in art, I very much dislike it in a beer. That being said, I did try some BrewDog beer or another (t'was recently and it was a new one) and it was really rather good. Nice and light and smooth, think it was a stout, can't remember. I do, however, love the BrewDog bar (when it's quiet) because their guest beer selection is usually fucking excellent! xx
  17. Listener are fucking boss, good choice! I totally get why someone wouldn't see the appeal in M&S - subjective etc - but to say you don't like them because they don't fit their genre pigeonhole is an odd concept to me. It's the kind of think I said when I was 14... xx
  18. Isn't dissing M&S for not being "real folk" like saying that all ska punk is shit because it's not "real ska"...? M&S are folk/pop. Pop music, with a folk twist. Like pop/punk isn't REAL PUNXxX. And folk/punk is neither, but both. Horses for courses. I like Mumford and Sons, personally. I think they're good at what they do, hook-laden pop music. The folky twist just makes them a little different from the majority of pop music that's on the go just now. xx
  19. I can't rep Alkaline or Teabags because I ran out after repping all the goodness in the Social Network thread. So I shall just chime in to say I HAVE NOTHING TO ADD EXCEPT MY APPROVAL FOR WHAT THEY SAID. It's all a bit self indulgent. xx
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