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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Get Green Wing and IT Crowd on that list. xx
  2. Can't remember if I've posted about any of these yet but here goes: Finished watching Dexter. The last season isn't bad (but it's not great) and the ending is a bit wank. Bates Motel. The origin story of Norman Bates from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. Only one season but it's fucking ace. Banshee. Ex-con is released from prison and becomes Sheriff of a small town called Banshee. Wonderfully violent, amazing fun! Currently on ep 7 of Breaking Bad season 5 - fucking awesome! xx
  3. That is fucking horrendous. PLEASE tell me you clicked "like"?? xx
  4. .....as in they posted pictures of a baby corpse? Or pictures of a baby which was alive at the time, but who is now dead? xx
  5. I see you and I raise you here. People posting pictures that are just a plain background, or an unrelated image of a sunrise or some shit, with words on it. When the fuck did words alone stop being good enough for people? Why this fucking obsession with pictures? Why do fucking people stop and read this shite if it's posted in a picture rather than if it were just a regular old post? Does the fact that someone made a picture of the words give the words more impact? Does it make it seem more credible?! FUCK YOU! xx
  6. The bold part is the important distinction here. If you want to do something for charity, literally anything at all, then that's a good thing. If I were to have a sponsored fart-marathon, that'd be a good thing because giving money to worthwhile causes is good. I get annoyed about it for a couple of reasons, the main ones being that people make it out to be some kind of herculean struggle to pass on a white wine spritzer after a tough day on the checkouts and the constant desperation for people to pat them on the back and tell them what a GREAT JOB they're doing. It's, tragically, often the case that doing something noble, interesting and selfless can so often turn people into insufferable narcissistic fuckrags on facebook. xx
  7. Giving up drinking for a month is not an achievement unless you're an alcoholic who is starting recovery. I donate a fuckload of my time and money to charity but I'm not getting behind this shite. I'm especially not looking forward to the updates this weekend. FIRST WEEKEND SOBER OMGZ LIFE IS SO HARD WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO DO OTHER THAN DRINK AT THE WKNDS LOL. I'm pre-emptively posting updates that I hate. I think I'm doing this wrong. xx
  8. I really want to post banal pictures of bottles of bottom shelf booze to clutter up these fucktards' newsfeeds, partly to undermine their so-called achievement and partly to satirise how fucking tedious they are for 11 months of the year. Cunts. xx
  9. I had no idea that this was the case! I just google when I forget! xx
  10. Leftover Yorkies? Smother in maple syrup and eat them for breakfast like pancakes. xx
  11. Copy paste fuckup. What are a dickhead. http://www.wunderground.ie/disclosure-gig-disrupted-man-loses-testicles-skinny-jean-accident/ xx
  12. I'm not usually one for that kind of shit, but I think with a job like this, I might have to. I have also been trying to think of a way to make Irn Bru Chicken Wings happen... xx
  13. My next major gauntlet is the mighty Macaroni & Cheese Pizza. Hopefully going to set about that one at the weekend. xx
  14. Disclosure Gig Disrupted As Man Loses Testicles In Skinny Jeans Accident xx
  15. Burgers. Spicy Wedges. Potato Waffles. Beans. Yes, that's a carbohydratic double-whammy because FUCK YOUR RULES! And because there's too much stuff in the freezer, so I have to eat it. FUCK YEAH. xx
  16. Yes. Plug, play, done. You can then disable the touchpad (most have a button nearby you can hit to do so) which should kill the poultrygeist. xx
  17. In the top picture (the boards) what the fuck is going on with the foot in the top left of the picture?! Someone needs fucking medical attention! xx EDIT: I understand now, the feet are crossed over.
  18. It's akin to saying punk is dead because Avril Lavigne called herself a punk... Just because some punx have sold out, just because un-punx cunts are trying to cash in, shouldn't have any effect on the fact that there are still fuckloads of actual punx all over the UK putting out DIY records and bleeding for their art. xx
  19. It's not a conspiracy theory to say that someone saying a cunty thing is a cunt. xx
  20. ...So what you're saying is that your Mrs has "Full Time Mummy" as her occupation of Facebook? xx
  21. What fucks me off most about this shite is the judgemental implication that anyone who has a child AND a job is only a part-time parent. Air of fucking superiority as they live of other people's work, be it a state handout or a wealthy partner. Fucking self-righteous cunts. xx
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